19. Subject to clause 14 of these Ordinances any disputed issue related to the intellectual property or the interpretation of these Ordinances, shall be decided as follows:
Any disputed issue that cannot be resolved with the assistance of the IPC shall be referred to a tribunal of Arbitration at the instance of the University or at the request of the inventor or funding agency. The decision of this tribunal of Arbitration shall be final between the parties for any disputed issue related to intellectual property, revenue sharing or the interpretation of this policy.
20. The tribunal shall consist of one member appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, one member nominated by the other party(s) and the Dean Faculty of Law as Umpire.
21. The process of resolving the dispute shall be completed expeditiously and except in unusual circumstances within two months.
22. The tribunal of Arbitration shall have power to regulate its own procedure in consonance with principles of natural justice.