5. General Statement of Ownership. Subject to the exceptions mentioned hereinafter, all intellectual property (including lab notebooks and other tangible intellectual property) created as a result of University research or created by substantial use of University facilities or resources shall be owned by the University and the Creator of intellectual property jointly and where there has been external Corporate, Foundation, Trust or Industrial funding it shall be owned by the University, Creator of intellectual property and Corporate funding agency, if any, jointly provided such corporate funding agency has provided Rs.10 lakhs or more for a particular research/invention/intellectual creation under a specific agreement with the University. Intellectual property rights of which the University is the co-owner shall be managed by the Intellectual Property Cell as defined hereinafter.

6. Exceptions to the General Statement of Ownership. The Creator at his option may retain ownership of the following:

(i) All intellectual property developed without substantial use of University resources.

(ii) All rights in artistic, literary and scholarly intellectual property, such as scholarly books, articles, and other publications (including those in electronic form). Works of art, literature and music recordings are owned by their creators despite the use of University resources so long as such works are not the products of University research, neither created under the direction and control of the University, nor developed in the performance of a sponsored research or other third party agreement; and

(iii) All copyright in papers, theses and dissertations written as a student to earn credit in University courses or otherwise to satisfy University degree requirements.

7. Other Ownership Options. Upon mutual agreement, a creator may assign intellectual property he or she would otherwise own to the University to be managed by the Intellectual Property Cell. If the University cannot, or decides not to, proceed in a timely manner to protect and/or license University-owned intellectual property, it shall assign ownership to the creator upon request to the extent permitted by these Ordinances and third party agreements, if any.

8. Publication. The University faculty and students may freely publish results of their research provided such research does not lead to copyrightable/patentable intellectual property.