Banaras Law Journal

Notes for Contributors


Ø For the preparation ofManuscripts (Articles/ Notes and Comments/ Book Reviews) , some general guidelines shall be followed-

Ø The matters of the Manuscript shall be computer typed only in Microsoft Word format following with-

|Text Font - Times New Roman| |Font Size- 14 point for Title (All Bold Caps); 11 point for Author’s name (All Caps Italic black without prefix);11 point for Abstract;12 point for the Main Text| |10 point for the Footnotes and Folio| |Line Spacing- 1.5 (Auto) for main text and 1.0 (Auto) for footnotes. |

· The submission of Manuscripts shall have an Educational Qualifications, Designation / Professional Status, University/Organization’s name, and E-mail Id on the first page in the footnotes.

· The full text of the Articles and Notes & Comments shall be preceded by-

Ø For the submission ofManuscript of Articles; Notes & Comments and Book- Reviews:

· The full text of the Articles, Notes & Comments and Book-Reviews should not go beyond the maximum limit prescribed for the same. Contributors of Articles, Notes & Comments are required to follow a set pattern of footnoting (the ILI Citation Style) as prepared by the Indian Law Institute, New Delhi.

Ø Papers submitted shall be original contributions and must be checked by Ante-Plagiarism norms prescribed by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. It should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Papers will be received in electronic form and physical submission (hard copy). Papers shall be accepted for publication only after scrutiny (Peer- review) and evaluation by the Scholars.

Ø All submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter and a brief CV of the author. The Manuscript shall be E-mailed to [email protected] , and the hard copy of the manuscript may be sent by Post addressed to-

Editor-in-Chief (Head & Dean), The Banaras Law Journal, Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, (U.P.), India, PIN Code – 221 005.