Date of Birth: 01.12.1958
[Office]: Department of Geography,
B.H.U. Varanasi 221005
Phone: 0542-6701538 (O)
Fax: 0542-2368174/2368010
Mobile. 0993577004

Residence: 60 Koshleshnagar
Sundarpur, Varanasi (U.P.), India
Phone: 0542-2318619 (R.)
Email: [email protected]
Academic Qualifications
  • Ph. D (Geographical analysis of rural poverty) in 1985 from Banaras Hindu University
  • M. Sc (Geography) in 1979 from Banaras Hindu University
  • B. Sc (Geography, Geology, Chemistry) in 1977 from Banaras Hindu University
Area of Specialisation:

Area of Research Interest Poverty, Population, Resources and Development Studies, Regional Development and Planning, Social Geography, Medical geography and Gender Geography.

Books/Research Papers in Referred Journals/Others Book Published 

1.Poverty in India: A Problem in Planning For Development, Deep & Deep Publication, New Delhi, 1988. 
2.Poverty Vision and Reality: A New Dimension, Progressive Book Centre Varanasi, 1994. 
3.Strategies in Development Planning (Co-Edited Book) Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi, 1997. 
4.Population Development and Environment: A contemporary Debate (Co-edited Bok)), Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2012. 
5.Hindi Novel Ret Hoti Ganga - 2005, Granth Lok Prakashan, New Delhi. 
6.Hindi Nobel Chaurahe Se Age 2014 New Delhi.

List of Research Publications

1. Rai, V. K. and Mishra, A.P. "Kanak Sarai-Samajik-Arthilk Pratiroop Ke Bhaugolik Adhyayan", Published in "BHOODARSHAN" Vol. 4, 5,6, pp.17-24 (1982) Udaipur.

2. Mishra, A.P. and Rai, V.K. "Gramya Jiyan Ke Badalate Gramin Pachha Ka Adhyayan", Published in Bhartiya Samaj Vigyan Samiksha, Vol. 14-15, pp. 135-136 (1982-83) Varanasi.

3. Mishra, A.P. and Pandey, A.K. Harijan Utpaidan-Samanti Byawastha Ki Pratichhaya, Published in Samaj Dharma Avam Darshan, Year 3, Vol. 3, Oct. - Dec. pp.50-56 (1985) Allahabad.

4. Anand, "Kyo Pichhara Hai, Utter Pradesh Ka Purvillaka", Popular article published in Dainik Swatanta Bharat, dated 19th Fe. (1987) Varanasi.

5. Jha, P.C. and Mishra, A.P. "Man-Nature Relationship and Ecological Approach in Planning", Published in Singh R.Y. et al. (Ed.) Planning in Integrated Rural Environment: Deep & Deep Publ., pp. 118-124 (1989) Varanasi.

6. Mishra, A.P. and Mishra, V.S. "Emergence of Conflict in Socio-Cultural Environment in India", Kala Sarover, Vol. 5, No.2, pp.70-76 (1991) Varanasi.

7. Mishra, A. P. "The Problems of Poverty; Its Dimension and Mechanism", in Proceeding of National Seminar Poverty Inequality and Development published by Environment and Development Study Centre, (Ed. By Singh D.N. & Singh T.D.) pp. 23-35 (1994) Varanasi.

8. Sinha, N. K. P. and Mishra, A. P., "Perspective on Development Planning of an Underdeveloped Area" published in International Publication in honour of Prof. K.N. Singh in Regional Policies, in Third World Development, edited by Sharma, P.R., pp.211-216 (1991) Rishi Publication, Varanasi.

9. Rai, V. K. and Mishra, A. P. "Role of Irrigation in Poversity Eradication Programmes" in proceeding of National Seminar. (ed. Singh D.N. and Singh T.D.) (1994) pp.84-96 published in Environment and Development Study Centre, Varanasi.

10. Mishra, A. P. "Paradingm of Development Planning in Developing Society", published in Strategies in Development Planning edited book in honour of Prof. M. Shafi (ed. Singh A.K. et. al.) Deep & Deep Publication, pp.40-60 (1997), New Delhi.

11. Mishra, A. P. and Singh, A. K. "Urbanization in Developing Countries-Issues and Challenges" published in perspective of urabanization, (ed. Singh S.B.) M.D. Publication, pp.37-44 (1996) New Delhi.

12. Mishra, A. P. "Structural Analysis of Poverty in Third World: An Indian Purview in Ganga Plain" Paper Presented in 13th International Congress on Ethnological and Anthropoligical Sciences at Mexico, 1993 and Published in Eastern Geographer Journal Vol. 3 & 4 (1993-1994) pp.24-32, Bhubneswar, Orissa.

13. Sinha, N. K. P., Mishra, A. P., "Poverty in A Tribal Societies- A Case Study of Babhani Block of Sonbhadra District, U.P." Annals of National Association of Geographers, India, Vol. XVL, No.2, Dec. 1996, pp.90-93, New Delhi.

14. Mishra, A. P., "Dynamics of Agrarian Poverty in Developing Economy" in International Publication (Editor P.R. Sharma), Regional Policies and Development in Third World, Rishi Publication, pp.284-295 (1994) Varanasi.

15. Mishra, A. P., "Issues of Social Justice in Caste Hierarchical Society : An Eastern U.P. Experience" Published in Social Justice: Problem & Perspective By Jhinkoo Yadav & Suman Gupta, pp.240-258 (1996) Varanasi.

16. Mishra, A. P., "Problems of Trival Poverty in Bhabhani Block, District Sonbhadra of U.P." published in Ritmbhara, Deoria, pp.135-145 (1999).

17. Mishra, A. P. "Nature of Mass Poverty in Tribal Regions: A Case Study of Bhabhani Block of Sonbhadra District, U.P." in edited Vol. (P. Nag et. al.) Environment, Population and Development, Concept Publishing Comp. pp.80-92, 2001, New Delhi.

18. Bechan Dubey, Alok Kumar Singh & A. P. Mishra, "Sustainable Environment: An Ancient Indian Purview in International I.G.U. Seminar proceeding, in edited volume (by R. B. Singh) - Human Dimension of Sustainable Development, Rawat Publication, 2002, New Delhi.

19. Mishra, A. P. and Singh A. K. "Alternative for Sustainable Development: An Overview", "Gandhian Perspective" Varanasi, 2003, pp.101-108.

20. Mishra, A. P. and Tiwari, A. P. "Indian Planning Process and its Contradiction, "In Gandhi Bichar" Vol. 1-2, Varanasi 2003, pp.52-57.

21. Mishra, A. P. (2005) "Poverty as a Threats for HRD management in Underdeveloped Tribal Regions" NGSI, Varanasi, pp.45-56.

22. Mishra A. P. (2007) "Structural Analysis of Agrarian Poverty: A micro level observation", Ambedkar Journal of Social Development and Justice, Vol. XV, MHOW, pp.29-47.

23. Mishra, A. P. (2009) Development and Displacement: a Changing Dynamics of Spatial Economy", accepted for publication in Questiones Geographicae Human Geography, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznon, Poland, 2009.

24. Anand, (2009) "Ganga Express Way for whom- published in Pragatisheel Udbhav, pp.20-23, Lucknow.

25. Mishra A. P. (2010) "Education and Hinduism - A Dialogue in Political and Regious Contestation". Occassional Paper no 4 of The Gandhian Institute of Studies, Varanasi.

32 Mishra, A. P., Sabina Bano and Pandey V. C. (2009),"Poverty as a Threat to Sustainability of Earth" in Edited Volume (Edited by H.N.Mishra). "Planet Earth: A Blueprint for Survival". Prentice Hall Publisher, New Delhi (Accepted for publication).

33 Mishra, A. P. (2009), "Resource Base and Tribal Development: Agenda for Development Studies", 'Mekal Insights- aninterdisplinary Research Indira Gandhi National Tribal University - AmarkantaK Vol. 1, No. 2, July 2005, pp.75-88.

34 Rai, V. K., Mishra, A.P. and Ajeet Kumar Singh; (2010) "Environmental Impact Assessment of the Ganga Expressway: A Study in Contemporary Development", Indian Journal of Regional Sciences, Vol. XXXXII, No. 2, 2010, Kolkata, pp. 29-39. ISSN-0046-9017.

35 Ajay K. Girl, G. N. Srivastava and Anand, P. Mishra (2010), "Spatial Distribution of Tuberculosis Diseasein Varanasi District : A Case Study in Health Geography", National Geographical Journal of India (NGSI), Vol. 56, Pt. 2, .June 2010, pp. 53-64, ISSN:0027-9374/2010.

36 Mishra, A. P., (2010) "Urban Expansion in Context to Global Economy: Some experiences from Underdeveloped Regions in Edited Vol. (edited by RN. Dubey), Urbanisation and Urban Planning in India- Vision and Reality, 'Shree Natraj Prakashan, New Delhi, pp. 95-112. ISBN: 978-81-89997-56-4.

37 Ajay K. Giri, G. N. Srivastava and Anand P. Mishra (2010).Spatial Pattern Of Revised National Tuberculosis Programme(RNTCP) in Uttar Pradesh: A Medico geographical Perspective", Annals, Volume XXX, No.1, June2010(ISSN0970-972X) , New Delhi.

38 Mishra, A.P. (2011) Control of Tuberculosis Under -Revised National Tuberculosis Control Progamme(RNTCP)in Varanasi District: A Geographical Analysis , The Geographer,Vol.58,No.1, January 2011(ISSN:0072-0909), AMU, Aligrah.

39 Vipin C. Pandey and Anand P. Mishra (2011) 'Multip1e Dimensions in Poverty Estimation of Gorakhpur District, Uttar Pradesh: A Geographical Perspective', Transactions, Vol. 33, No. 1.Winter, 2011, Pune, pp. 87-97, ISSN 0970-9851.

40 Ashok Kaul and Anand P. Mishra (2011), "Geographical and Social Dimension of Naxal Movement in India: A Micro Level Observation," Published in Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Social Sciences, Vol.3, No.2 (Sept.2207) pub. In 2011, ISSN: 1815-2163, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp 153-71.

41 Mishra, Anand Prasad (2011), "Geography, Poverty and Development: An interdisciplinary Debate, Revista Sociedade & Natureza, ISSN 1982- 4513, pp.227- 236, Brazile.

42 Mishra, A. P., (2011), "Political Economy in-agrarian Poverty: Southern Hemisphere Perspective Prof. R.P. Mishra Felicitation Volume (edited by B. Thakur et al.), Cambridge University Press (accepted for pub1ication).

43 Mishra A. P. (2011) "Agrarian Poverty: Its Routes and Structure in Indian Villages", (accepted for publication) in IndianVilleges" (accepted for Publication) in International Seminar Proceedings edited by M.B. Singh.

44 Mishira A. P., (2011), "Contextualizing Population in Developing Societies: Third World Perspective" (accepted for Publication) edited by T.D. Singh, entitled "Population, Development and Environment: A Contemporary Debate", Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.

45 Mishra,A. P. (2011)" Samkalin Bhaugolik Chintan Ke Anterdand,Rashtriya Bhaulik Patrika, Vol.2 No. 2, Dec.2011. ISSN: 2230-9942/2011/ 0022-0032.

46 Mishra, A. P. and KNP Raju (2012), Colonial Influence on Geographical Studies in India: A Brief Perspective. Manak Publication, New Delhi.

47 Mishra,A. P. et. al. (2012),"Impact Assessment Analysis of Health Care Facilities in Varanasi City: A Geographical Perspective", Eastern Geographical Society, Bhuvneshwar, ISSN: 0973-7642, Jan.2012, Vol.XVIII, No.1, pp 41-48.

48 Mishra, A.P. (2012), "Nutritional status of Women Living in Varanasi City: A Geographical Perspective", ISSN: 0027-9374/2012/1418-1430, Vol. 58, Pt.1, March, 2012, NGSI. , Varanasi.

49 Mishra, A.P. et. al. (2012-13) Multiple poverty in Scheduled castes in district Gazipur, U.P., North Eastern Geographer, Vol.37, Gauhati.

50 Mridul Ajay Raj and Mishra,A.P. (2012) Jati Pratha, Untouchability and its historical challenges, Samskrti Sandhana, Vol.XXV. No.2, Journal of the National Research Institute of Human Culture, Varanasi.

51 Pandey,V.C, and Mishra, A.P. (2012) Agrarian Poverty in Gorakhpur District of U.P., Rastrya Bhuoogole Patrika, NGSI.

52. Sabina Bano and Anand Prasad Mishra,( 2014) Spatial Variation of Women's Development in Varanasi City ".Transaction ( A Journal of Institute of Indian Geographers), Vol.36, No.1, Winter , Pune , pp. 91-100.

53. Ajay Giri, G.N. Srivastava , A.P. Mishra (2015) "Challenges of Urban Health: A Case Study of Tuberculosis in Varanasi City" in edited vol. 2, Urban Growth, Health and Development (edited by Farasat Ali Sidiqqui), Academic publication, New Delhi, pp. 151-173, 2015. ISBN 978-93-83-931-18-7.

Citation of Work:

Book on Poverty cited widely, few citations are-

1. Sharma, Arun, "Concept and Measurement of Poverty", Anmol Publication, New Delhi, 1990, pp.91-124.
2. Gupta, Vinod Kumar, "Poverty and Economic Development" Arihant Publishing House, Jaipur, 1993, pp.194.
3. Tiwari, P. K. "Rural Poverty, Technology and Development" Chough Publications, Allahabad, 1995.
4. Singh, D. N. and Singh, T. D. (Edited) "Poverty, Inequality and Development", Published by Environment and Development Centre, Varanasi, 1994, p.xvii.
5. Sivendra Jenamani (2005), "Poverty and under development in Tribal areas; A Geographical Analysis, Concept, New Delhi.

Additional Information:

Awards/Fellowship Grants-

1. Merit Scholarship at Intermediate Level (1974-1975).
2. Banaras Hindu University Research Fellowship (1982-1984)
3. U.G.C. Research Associate Fellowship (1990 to 2001) in higher slab.
4. U.G.C. travel grants for the participation in international seminar, held at Mexico, 1993.


1. National Association of Geographer's India (NAGI-Life Member)
2. Eastern Geographer's Societies (EGS-Life Member)
3. National Geographers Societies of India (NGSI-Varanasi)
4. Life Member of Institute of Indian Geographers
5. Executive Member of National Research Institute of Human Culture, Varanasi.
6. General Secretary Peoples Union for Human Rights (PUHR) 2003-2006.

Other Information

1. Participated in Hiroshima University Research Programme. A detailed survey of socio-economic condition and pattern of rural marketing has been examined.

2. Mishra, A. P. Structural Analysis of Rural Poverty in Third World: An Indian Purview, paper presented in 13th International Congress on Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences at Mexico on 4 August 1993.

3. Experience of translation work from English to Hindi in Daily News Paper.

4. Published several popular articles on contemporary socio-economic problems in various popular paper and magazine.

5. Supervised 03 Ph.D. on Gender, Medical Geography and Agrarian poverty and also supervising 05 PhD scholars.

6. Organizing Secretary (2010) National seminar on Population Development and Environment.

7. Organizing Secretary (2011) International Seminar on, Technology, Energy and Sustainable Rural Environment, Feb. 23-25, 2011, B.H.U. Varanasi.

8. Convener National Seminar (2012) on Geographical Perspectives of Development Deficit and Naxal Movement, sponsored by planning commission of India.

9. Worked as Coordinator 4th Refresher course of Earth Sciences Interdisplinary topic on Society, Sustainability and Earth System. 4-24. Dec. 2014. ASC, BHU Varanasi.

10. Presented paper in Brazilian Network on History of Geography& Historical Geography and Department of Geography, Federal University Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in collaboration with IGU Commission on History of Geography In International Symposium on Circulation of Ideas and History of Geographical Knowledge: Hierarchies, Interaction and Network on topic Land Knowledge Integration System in Geographical Reality: A View from India, 16-20 Dec. 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

PhD Supervised:

1. Sabina Bano (2012), Women and Development in Varanasi City: Study in Gender Geography
2. Ajay Kumar Giri (2012) Pulmonary Tuberculosis Disease in Varanasi District: A Study in Medical Geography.
3. Vipin C.Pandey, (2013) .An Appraisal of Agrarian Poverty and its Eradication Programmes: A Case Study of Gorakhpur District, U.P.

PDF Supervision:

Dr. Ajay Kumar Giri (2014) Spatial Distribution of the Prevalence and Control of Tuberculosis Disease under Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTP) in Mau District: A Study in Geography of Health

Research Survey Report

1. Co-authored of social scientist survey report on the problems of Naxal (Ultra left) movement in Tribal regional of Sonbhadra, U.P. 2001, and Varanasi.

2. Co-authored of Social scientist and Social activist surveyed report on �Hunger and Poverty in Tribal Naugarh Block of District Chandauli, U.P. 2002, Varanasi.

3. Completed one U.G.C. sponsored Research Project on "Analysis of Tribal Poverty in Babhani Block, District Sonbhadra, U.P. 1995, B.H.U., Varanasi.

4. Completed one U.G.C. sponsored Research Project on, "Poverty in Sonbhadra District U.P. - 2001, Varanasi.

5. Completed one major MHRD sponsored Research Project on "Saraswati Shishu Mandir and Madarasa Education in Perspective of National Integration - An evaluation study on Eastern Uttar Pradesh", 2006.

6. Completed on Research Monograph on "Structural Analysis of Agrarian Poverty- A Micro Level Observation" sponsored by Gandhian Institute of Studies, 2003-2004.
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