Seminars/ Symposia Organised by the Department

The Department had organised its first national seminar as Summer School during 1-10 November 1966. Since then this academic tradition is continued. During last forty-four years, 1966-2013, in total 42 such seminars were organised. Out of this number, four each were sponsored by the International Geographical Union, and the UGC (New Delhi). The details are given below:
1. National Summer School in 'Applied Geography', Nov. 1-10, 1966, [Convenor: Prof. R. L. Singh].
2. I.G.U. International Symposium on 'Urban Geography in Developing Countries', Nov. 22-29, 1968, [Convenor: Prof. R. L. Singh].
3. I.G.U. International Symposium on 'Rural Settlements in Monsoon Asia', Jan. 11-15, 1971, [Convenor: Prof. R. L. Singh; Organising secretary: Dr. Kashi N. Singh].
4. U.G.C. National Advanced Level Summer Science Institute in Geography, May 22-June 12, 1973, [Convenor: Prof. R. L. Singh; Organising secretary: Dr. Kashi N. Singh].
5. I.G.U. International Symposium on 'Rural Settlements in Monsoon Lands', Dec. 1-6, 1975, [Convenor: Prof. R. L. Singh; Organising secretary: Dr. Kashi N. Singh].
6. An All India Social Science (A.I.S.S.), Convention on 'Small Towns in India', Feb. 22-23, 1977, [Convenor: Prof. R. L. Singh; Organising secretary: Dr. Rana P.B. Singh].
7. I.G.U. International Symposium on 'Transformation of Rural Habitat in Developing Countries', Jan. 22-25, 1979, [Convenor: Prof. R. L. Singh; Organising secretary: Dr. Rana P.B. Singh].
8. U.G.C. National Symposium on 'Rural Area Development Strategies in India', Feb., 15-19, 1984, [Convenor: Prof. Kashi N. Singh; Organising secretary: Dr. D.N. Singh].
9. The 7th Indian Geography National Congress, Dec. 26-28. 1985, [Convenor: Prof. Kashi N. Singh; Organising secretary: Dr. D.N. Singh].
10. U.G.C. National Seminar on 'Environmental Impact, Issues, Challenges and Assessment', June 28-30, 1987, [Convenor: Prof. Onkar Singh; Organising secretary: Dr. R. B. Singh].
11. International Conference on 'Agriculture and Rural Change in Development Countries', Dec. 17-22, 1987, [Convenor: Prof. V. R. Singh; Organising secretary: Dr. M. B. Singh].
12. National Seminar on 'Rapid Growth of Population: Response Patterns', April 24-26, 1988, [Convenor: Prof. Kashi N. Singh; Organising secretary: Dr. D. N. Singh].
13. International Interdisciplinary Seminar on 'Population Growth: Issue and Response Patterns with special reference to Developing Countries', Feb. 26-March 1, 1989, [Convenor: Prof. Kashi N. Singh; Organising secretary: Dr. D. N. Singh].
14. National Seminar on 'Patterns of Urban Change in India', April 6-8, 1989, [Convenor: Prof. Harihar Singh; Organising secretaries: Dr. K.K. Dube, Dr. Rana P.B. Singh].
15. International Seminar on 'Asian Urban Environment: Issues and Challenges', March, 2- 6, 1990, [Convenor: Prof. Harihar Singh; Organising secretaries: Dr. K.K. Dube, Dr. Rana P.B. Singh].
16. National Seminar 'Fast Industrialising Areas and their Impact on Development', March 21-23, 1990, [Convener: Prof. V.R. Singh; Secretary: Dr. M.B. Singh].
17. National Seminar on 'Poverty, Inequality and Development', April 11-12, 1991, [Convener: Dr. P.R. Sharma].
18. International Seminar on 'Regional Polices and Development in the Third World' Dec. 10-15, 1991, [Convener: Dr. P.R. Sharma].
19. International Seminar on 'Environment, Sustainable Development and Human Health', Feb. 11-15, 1995, [Convener: Prof. Onkar Singh].
20. International Seminar on 'Environment, Energy and Technology: Regional and Global Perspectives', December 11-15, 1997, [Convener: Dr. R.B. Singh].
21. National Seminar on 'Optimum Utilisation of Land Resource and Technology Transformation vis-�-vis Poverty Alleviation', February 4-6, 2000, [Convenor: Prof. S. B. Singh; Organising secretaries: Prof. V.K. Kumra, Prof. Rana P.B. Singh].
22. International Conference on 'Land Use Change, Environment and Sustainable Development', December 11-14, 2000, [Convenor: Prof. S. B. Singh; Organising secretaries: Prof. V.K. Kumra, Prof. Rana P.B. Singh].
23. International Conference on 'Environment, Energy, Technology, Development and Society's Response' & 23rd IIG Meet, 1-3 December, 2001, [Convenor: Prof. S. B. Singh; Organising secretaries: Prof. V.K. Kumra, Prof. Rana P.B. Singh].
24. 25th (Silver Jubilee) National Conference, Institute of Indian Geographers, November 28 - 30, 2003, [Convener: Prof. D. N. Singh].
25. International Conference on 'Sustainable Management of Natural Resources', February 11-14, 2004, [Convener: Prof. M. B. Singh].
26. National Seminar on 'Indian Geography in the 21st Century: Paths and Ways'; 2 - 3 March 2005, [Convener: Prof. P.R. Sharma, Secretary: Prof. Rana P.B. Singh].
27. National Seminar on 'Remote Sensing & GIS in Geographical Studies'; 21- 22 March 2007, [Convener: Prof. V.K. Kumra; Organising secretaries: Prof. K.N.P. Raju, Prof. Jagadish Singh].
28. Training & Workshop, Regional Institute of Education, Ajmer (NCERT) on 'Environmental Education' for KRPs of SC/ST Categories from U.P.: 03 - 07 December 2007, [Convener: Prof. V.K. Kumra; Coordinator: Prof. R. S. Yadava; Secretary: Dr. Sarfaraz Alam].
29. National Seminar on 'Geomorphology in Disaster Mitigation and Management', XX Annual Conference of IGI: 15 - 17 February 2008, [Convener: Prof. V.K. Kumra; Organising Secretaries: Prof. Jagadish Singh, Prof. K.N.P. Raju].
30. National Workshop on 'Rain Water Harvesting and Artificial Recharge to Ground Water'; Organised by the Central Ground Water Authority (Govt. of India), State Unit office, Allahabad: 25 - 26 March 2008, [Coordinator: Prof. Ram Bilas].
31. National Seminar on 'Urban Governance and Need for Information System': 16 17 March 2009, [Convener: Prof. V.K. Kumra; Organising Secretaries: Dr Ravi S. Singh, Dr Archna K. Roy].
32. International Conference on 'Strategic Management of Energy, Environment and Disaster for Sustainable Development' (jointly with Faculty of Management Sciences, BHU): 11-15 Jan. 2010, [Co-Convener: Prof. V.K. Kumra, Organising Secretary: Prof. B.N. Singh].
33. National Seminar on 'Research in Geography: Debate on Issues and Solutions': 28-29 January 2010, [Convener: Prof. P.R. Sharma; Co-Convener: Prof. Rana P.B. Singh].
34. National Seminar on 'Population, Development and Environment Challenges': 18 20 February 2010, [Convener: Prof. T. D. Singh; Organising Secretaries: Dr A.P. Mishra, Dr Archna K. Roy].
35. International Seminar on 'Technology, Energy and Sustainable Rural Environment': 23 - 25 February 2011 [Secretary-General: Prof. M. B. Singh].
36. National Seminar on "Recent Advances in the Development of Geographical Knowledge and its Interdisciplinary Association with Sciences": 3-4 November 2011 [Convenors: Prof. R.S. Yadava, and Prof. V.N. Sharma].
37.National Seminar on "Reorienting Geography to meet Present and Future Challenges": 14 - 16 March 2012, UGC DRS SAP Phase II Prog. [Convenors: Prof. K.N.P. Raju, and Prof. Jagadish Singh].
38.National Seminar on "Development Deficit and Naxal movement in Geographical Perspectives": 4-5 May 2012. [Convener: Assoc. Prof. A.P. Mishra].
39.Workshop on "Houses, Household Amenities and Assets Data of Census 2011": 15 September 2012. [Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Ravi. S. Singh].
40.National Conference on "Reorienting Geography Education & Training for Sustainable Development in India": 29 - 31 October 2012. [Convener: Assoc. Prof. Ravi. S. Singh].
41.National Seminar on "Plains of the Ganga River: Problems & Prospects": 28 - 30 January 2013. [Convenors: Prof. K.N.P. Raju and Prof. Jagadish Singh].
42.The 12th Asian Urbanization International Conference: 28- 30 December 2013. [Convenor: Prof. B.R.K. Sinha, Organising secretary: Prof. Ram Bilas, Chairman: Prof. Rana P.B. Singh].
43.International Seminar on "Banaras, the Heritage City of India: Culture, Tourism and Development": 7 - 9 February 2014. [Organising secretary: Prof. Ravi S. Singh, Convener/ Director: Prof. Rana P.B. Singh].

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