Professor, and Ex-Head, Dept. of Geography, Faculty of Science
B - 41, Swastik Towers, Lanka, PO: B.H.U., Varanasi, UP 221005.
Cell: 0-9839 063862.
Email: [email protected]
Academic Qualifications
S.No.Degree Institution Year
i M.A. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 1970
ii P.h.D. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 1977
iiiC.A.S.F. University of Sussex, U.K. 1982-83
Area of Specialisation:
Regional Development & Planning, Resource & Population Geography, Environmental Studies; Urban Geography

Project/s undertaken as PI/ Co-PI: 
(1) Integrated Area Development, 1977-79, sponsored by the UGC New Delhi; (2) Growth Centres in Regional Development, 1982-83, worked in the University of Sussex (U.K.).

Award/ recognitions: 
(i) Gold Medallist, securing highest marks in MA/MSc Geography, B.H.U. (1970); (ii) Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellow, University of Sussex, U.K. (1982-83); (iii) Gold Medal, Chinese Academy of Sciences (1991).

List of selected/ major publications (Max. 10; in perfect/full citation):

  • Sharma, P.R. 1974. An approach to research methodology of regional planning in India. Geographical Review of India, 36 (3): pp. 216-28.
  • Sharma, P.R. 1984 a. Spatial organization model for rural development: An approach through settlement systems. Habitat International (Pergamon Press, Oxford), vol. 8 (1): pp. 29-34.
  • Sharma, P.R. 1984 b. Growth centres and regional development: Theory and policy. Habitat International (Pergamon, Oxford), vol. 8 (2): pp. 133-150.
  • Sharma, P.R. (ed.) 1991. Perspectives on the Third World Development. (Financed by IDRC, Canada), Rishi Publications, Varanasi (India).
  • Sharma, P.R. and Tiwari, P.K. 1992. Rural poor in Indian villages: Reflections on rapid population growth. Boletim de Geografia Teoretica (Sao Paulo), vol. 22 (no. 43-44): pp. 55-63.
  • Sharma, P.R. (ed.) 1993. Applied Geomorphology in the Tropics. (Financed by IDRC, Canada), Rishi Publications, Varanasi (India).
  • Sharma, P.R. (ed.) 1994. Regional Policies and Development in the Third World. Rishi Publications Varanasi (India).
  • Sharma, P.R. 2006. The Nature of Geography in 21st Century: An Appraisal. The National Geographical Journal of India (NGSI, Varanasi), vol. 52 (3-4): 105-114.
  • Sharma, P.R. 2011. Research in Geography- Methodological Issues and Solutions; in, Sharma, P. R.; Yadava, R. S. and Sharrna, V. N. (eds.) Research Methodology: Concepts and Studies. R. K. Books, New Delhi: pp. 1-22.
  • Sharma, P.R. 2013. The nature of geography in the 21st Century: An Appraisal; in, Sharma, P.R. et al (eds.) Interdisciplinary Advances in Geography. R. K. Books, New Delhi.
  • Sharma, P.R. et al. 2013. Resources, Population and Sustainable Development: Major global challenges; in, Sharma, P.R. et al (eds.) Interdisciplinary Advances in Environmental & Earth System Studies. R. K. Books, New Delhi.

Additional information/ Achievements:

(1) Hon. Editor, National Geographical Journal of India; (2) President, National Geographical Society of India; (3) Convener, International Seminar on Regional Policies & Development; B.H.U., Varanasi, 1991; (4) Secretary-General, South Asian Geographers Association (SAGA), 1986-1994 (two terms).

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