- PhD, Exploration Geophysics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
- M.Sc. Exploration Geophysics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
- Professor (Exploration Geophysics) Department of Geophysics, Banaras Hindu University since 1998
- Reader (Exploration Geophysics) Department of Geophysics, Banaras Hindu University (1985-1998)
- Chairman Anti Ragging Squad, Banaras Hindu University
- Members of different academic committees in the Department and university level.
- Programme Officer NSS, Students Advisor of Science Faculty, members of Residential Accommodation Allotment Committee of BHU.
Research Interest
- Ground Water Geophysics: development of new arrays for electrical survey, software development for the interpretation of resistivity data
- Giving expert opinions to the Government sector/semi-Government sector on exploration, development and management of groundwater resources as an example:
- CMPDI, RI-VI, Singrauli, M.P.; RR Lab., Bhopal, M.P.; DST, New Delhi; Jal Nidhi Programme of Govt. of India for Chandauli district; Study of ground water around Coca-cola plant; and Remote sensing analysis for study of groundwater around Coca-cola plant; spot locations for drilling of tube-wells in hard rock area of Mirzapur and Sonebhadra districts sponsored by BSNL, and UPIRV, Varanasi.
- Interfluve Stratigraphy sedimentology geochemistry of central Ganga plane.
- Well logging and reservoir Geophysics.
- Geoelectrical Methods
- Hydrology
Research Papers: 37
Technical/ Project Reports: 10