Research Projects:
The German Foundation for Peace Research, (DSF - Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung) funded project on"Peaceful Coexistence? -
'Traditional' and 'Non-traditional' Conflict Resolution Mechanisms", 2015-2016 (Ongoing)
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway funded project on"Peacebuilding, Diversity and Human
Security", 2013-2015 (Ongoing)
The Research Council of Norway funded Research Project on"Making Women Count for
Peace", 2012-2015 (Ongoing)
European Union funded Project (under 7th Framework Program) on"The Role of Governance in the Resolution of Socioeconomic and Political Conflict in India and
Europe", 2011- 2013.
Preservation of Communally Inclusive Public Spaces and Heritage : A Study of Ramlila in Varanasi: Cultural Section, UNESCO, India, 2010
Building Multi-Cultural Community in Banaras: Role of Youth, SASNET, 2006
Local Print Media in Conflict, UGC Major Project, 2006
Democracy & Human Development: South Asia Context, American Centre, and New Delhi, 2005
Refugees in South Asia: Conflict Resolution Perspectives, UGC Major Project,2003
Building Peace Constituency, sponsored by Alton W John Foundation, USA under the Global Security Program, 2001
Managing Ethnic Conflict Peacefully: Lessons from Canada, sponsored by Department of Foreign Affairs, Canada Govt. & Indo Shastri Foundation, 2000