The department proposes to concentrate on the following new thrust areas:
(i) Maintenance of soil health and resilience in Indo-Gangetic alluvium plains of Varanasi region.
(ii) Efficient utilization of soil micro-macro flora and fauna for improvement of soil bio-dynamic in relation to avaialability of nutrient and water.
(iii) Establishment of soil, plant, water and fertilizer testing laboratories for resource poor farmer�s advisory services.
(iv) Development of INM technology for sustaining higher crop productivity.
(v) Development of technology for managing rainfed agriculture
(vi) Development of site specific nutrient management for precision farming.
(vii) Monitoring pesticide residues and heavy metal pollution in soils, crops and water and development of remediation technology
(viii) Geo-medicine & human health.
(ix) Utilization of poor quality water and sewage sludge in Agriculture
Major Thrust Areas for the next five years Training students in advanced instrumental techniques
(a) Human Resource Development
Summer training to students in some of the specialized areas
Special classes to the students for JRF / ARS
Summer / winter school / seminar / symposia
b) Productivity Enhancement
Soil Resource Inventory
Soil test based site specific fertilizers recommendation
Genetic transformation
To develop psychrophilic P solubilizing microbes for cold desert regions
Use of ICT in agriculture
Simulation and validation of different mechanistic models for NUE and environmental impact assessment
Carbon sequestration
(c) Environmental issues
Global Warming
N2O, CH4 and CO2 emission
Anthropogenic contamination and remediation
Heavy metals
Geogenic contaminations
Human health concern
Iodine fortification
Enrichment of Zn and Fe in food grain
(d) Proposed Outreach Activities
Farmers' friendly interactive website showing fertility status and fertilizers recommendation for crops in Varanasi region.
Development of artificial intelligence / user friendly software w.r.t GAP (good agricultural practices)
Farmers' awareness campaign (radio/ TV talk, kisan gosthi, field day etc.)