Technology for Usar soil reclamation using pyrites have been developed.
The population of both in rural and urban area in Deoria and Gorakhpur district were noticed suffering in several IDD diseases viz. goiter, mental disability, premature death of baby, miscarriages of pregnant women. More than 80 % tested ground water samples in Gorakhpur and nearly 30 % tested ground water samples in Deoria district were goitragenic (3-5 �g L-1). The water extractable iodine (plant available) content in soils of Deoria and Gorakhpur district were very low (mean: 0.06 mg kg-1 and 0.76 mg kg-1, respectively) in comparison to other part of India and world.
An experiment on soil test crop response (STCR) correlation studies was conducted in Inceptisols of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh during rabi 2010-11. Using the basic data, fertilizer adjustment equations have been developed for prescribing optimum fertilizer doses to attain different yield targets. The nutrient requirement of N, P2O5 and K2O was found to be 2.32, 0.72 and 1.92 kg q-1, respectively for producing one quintal of wheat. The fertilizer adjustment equations a ready reckoner of optimum fertilizer doses at varying soil test values of attaining yield target of 35 and 45 q ha-1 of wheat yield have been calibrated based on the targeted yield concept. The targeted yield equations and the fertilizer ready reckoner developed for wheat will be useful for large scale recommendation by the soil testing laboratory of eastern Utter Pradesh.
Soil fertility status of Mirzapur, Varanasi, Sant Ravidas Nagar and Chandauli districts has been brought out and mapping is in completed
From the soils of Varanasi regions K- solubilizing bacteria were isolated and tested for their efficiency. Five of them were found efficient which were also effective in solubilization of phosphorus.
Thirteen efficient isolates each of Azotobacter, Azospirillum and P- solubilizers from soils of eastern UP were obtained.
With the rapid pace of agricultural development, industrialization and urbanization the commonly observed geogenic contaminants in ground water are fluoride and nitrate, whereas nitrate is the dominant anthropogenic contaminant in the south-eastern plains of Rajasthan.
Biopriming provides a simple inexpensive method for improving plant nutrition, increases NUE and WUE and eliminates seed borne pathogens. An extra intervention with the existing technology of INM practice could make a huge difference altogether leading to sustainable high yields saving a lot of energy.
Department of Soil Science
Agricultural Chemistry