Department of Soil Science
Agricultural Chemistry


Research Projects

Sr.No. Name of P.I. Title of Project Duration Funding Agency Amount
1. Dr. J. Yadav Studies on new Bioformulation of the PGPRs to develop new biofertilizers of multiple use in crop production April 2006 to March 2009 Ministry of Agriculture, Gov. of India 35.84 lakhs
2. Dr. A.P. Singh Determination of nitrous oxide emission and crop yield through use of neem coated urea in different crops under varying soil condition vs normal urea June 2006 to April 2009 Indo Gulf Fertilisers (A Unit of Aditya Birla Nuvo Limited) 11.88 lakhs
3. Dr. J. Yadav Development of genetically modified psychrophilic phosphate solubilizer as PGPR to nourish vegetable crops in cold regions of Himalayas Nov. 2007 to Nov. 2010 DRDO, Govt of India 29.85 lakhs
4. Dr. A. Rakshit Bioremediation of soil and groundwater polluted by industry in adjoining areas of Varanasi Nov. 2008 to Nov. 2011 CST-UP 4.8 lakhs
5. Dr. N. De Dissemination of organic farming protocols for vegetable based cropping system under participatory rural appraisal mode March 2010 to March 2011 National Horticulture Mission 8.96 lakhs
6. Dr. P. Raha Evaluation of the efficiency of SIAPTON 10L on yield and quality of potato July 08 to July 10 ISAGRO (Asia) Agrochemicals Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai 1.05lakhs
7. Dr. S.K. Singh Evaluation of extractants, critical toxic concentration of heavy metals and Phytoremediation ability of Marigold grown on metal enriched and sludge treated soils Feb. 09 to Feb. 11 CST-UP 6.09 lakhs
8. Dr. B.R. Maurya Soil health management using biological tools and techniques for sustainable agriculture and viable environment Aug. 09 to July 11 G.B.Pant Inst. of Himalayan Environ. & Devt., Almora, Uttaranchal 8.75 lakhs
9. Dr. B.R. Maurya Isolation, characterization and screening for development of asymbiotic diazotrophic and phosphatic biofertilizers in eastern Uttar Pradesh Dec. 09 to Nov. 12 U.P.C.A.R., Lucknow 12.8 lakhs
10. Dr. Y.V. Singh Soil test based fertilizers recommendation for targeted yield of Wheat, Rice and Maize in Eastern Plain Zone of Uttar Pradesh Dec. 09 to Dec. 11 STCR (AICRP), IISS, ICAR, Bhopal 2.8 lakhs
11. Dr. Y.V. Singh Long term effects of integrated nutrient management on sustainability of rice- wheat cropping system and soil fertility in Eastern Uttar Pradesh. March 10 to March 12 CST-UP 4.48 lakhs