Dr. V.K. Pathak

LL.M., Ph.D.

Specialization - Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Law of Arbitration and Women and Law

Dr. Pathak obtained his LL.B. in 2000 and his LL.M. in 2002 from M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly. He completed his Ph.D. on “Study of Legal Measures to Protect Women from Exploitation & Indignity of her Person” in 2007 from the same university. He joined Law School, BHU in June 2010. He was the Warden of the International House Complex for a term and is a member of the Proctorial Board of BHU. He is also a member of the Human Rights Cell, BHU since 2011.

He has 11 publications in reputed journals and edited books and has presented papers in about 30 international and national seminars. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of the BHU Law School Newsletter, the Banaras Law Journal, the Indian Journal of Law and Social Change and the Humanities and Social Science Review. He has also been the convenor of the Law School’s Youth Parliament and its Human Rights Training Program.