To develop long-term & short-term action plans to increase water use efficiency, enhanced conservation, reduced drought exposure, and ecological restoration.
To evolve water policy at the university level to minimize the water consumption, recycling of wastewater, check the water loss, encourage the rain water harvesting & groundwater recharging and manage water balance. This shall be extended as a model for other institutions.
To study the dynamics of river Asi & Varuna at Varanasi and develop appropriate action plan to make a role model for the river rejuvenation.
To make general survey of the Varanasi city pertaining to the pollution sources, assess quality & quantity of the wastewater to suggest establishment of community treatment plant in different zones.
To assess the impact of the discharge of wastewater, dead body cremation & solid waste disposal on the physico-chemical & bacteriological properties of the Ganga water & deposition of heavy metals on river bed sediments.
To study the socio-cultural-economic & religious activities of the Ganga basin and develop strategies for its restoration.
To develop need based courses and conduct multidisciplinary training, teaching, doctoral & post-doctoral programs related to river rejuvenation and water conservation.
To develop strategies for water storage, water purification technologies & changed agricultural practices, etc. for economic & safe water consumption.
To suggest strategies for the Ganga, river rejuvenation and conservation of water resources based on environmental legislation.
To study the impact of climate change on structural & functional behavior of the Ganga river basin.
To develop eco-friendly technologies and working models for future projections to manage natural water resources and wastewater.
To activate women power for disseminating the socio-cultural, economic, religious, scientific & technological knowledge for appropriate conservation of rivers.