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Mahamana as a Journalist

"A daily newspaper should devote a page or two each day for any topic of special interest. For example, on Monday, you may write about literature; on Tuesday you can throw light on village community; on Wednesday on physical importance and on Thursday on education. Thus, a reader will get material of his choice and taste. This will lead to wider circulation and people will be amply benefitted."

He organized the first ever All India Editor's Conference in 1908 to fight for freedom of the press when the Press Act of 1908 was passed in an effort to gag the press. He also offered financial help to fight the case of the Muslim editor of Swaraj, an Urdu daily paying tribute on the demise of Madan Mohan Malaviya The Hindustan times wrote: "He helped in the development of journalism too. He founded The Leader and Bharat of Allahabad and nursed The Hindustan Times as a strong organ of nationalism. At the time of his death he was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of this paper. He felt bitterly on the economic slavery of India. His dissenting minute to the Industrial Commission's report served to open the eyes of his countrymen to the dangers of dependence on agricultural economy. His feeling on the subject was shown by his walk out from the central assembly as a protest against imperial preference. During Mahamana's time, journalism was a noble mission and his missionary enthusiasm made Mahamana venture into this field as well. Mahamana took journalism to new heights and set a benchmark of excellence which can guide the journalists like a pole star even in the present time.

(Sources: 'Visionary of Modern India: Madan Mohan Malaviya- ' - Dr. S.K Maini, Dr. Vishwanath Pandey, K. Chandramouli and 'Mahamana Malaviya: A Short Biography'-Dr. U.D Tiwari.)


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