"Malaviya is immortal. Like the King of England whose death was proclaimed by the formula, 'The King is dead; Long Live the King', it may be said of Malaviyaji whom death has kindly read more
Jawaharlal Nehru
"Malaviyaji was a giant in the political and cultural fields of India at the time of the growth of our great national movement. We received a powerful inspiration from that great personality. read more
Dr. S Radhakrishnan
He has lighted a lamp here, whose light will penetrate far into space and time and will not be put out, by God's grace, as long as civilization lasts.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Malaviyaji did not belong to one man and to one country. He was a man of universal fame. He very nearly dominated the scene of public life in India for well-nigh 60 years. read more
Mrs. Sarojini Naidu
The greatest Hindu of his time and the greatest among all great Hindus of ages Pt. Malaviya fulfilled in himself the great noble and universal ideals of Hinduism which did not recognize read more
K.M Munshi
One of the fathers of Indian Nationalism, Pandit Malaviya was also the father of the movement for a national language for India. He was the greatest educationist read more