Mahamana as a Poet
(The jasmine garland is on the neck and a colourful cloth on the body
And do not even ask, the 'dhoti' is bought from Dhaka
Sometimes I wear the varnish, and sometimes the cloth from Punjab
Always carrying a stick, sings Fakkad Singh
Neither I have to take, nor to give
I eat whatever I harvest and feed the deprived as well.
Neither I wish to be the Deputy nor I want a Tehsildar- ship
I lie here care free, and spend my day like that)
The satire goes-
"अहले योरप पूरा जेंटिलमैन कहलाता है हम,
डोंट से बाबू टू मी मिस्टर कहा जाता है हम,
हिन्दुओं का खाना-पीना हमको सब कुछ भाता नहीं,
बीफ चमचे से कटे होटल में जा, खाता है हम।
कोट औ पतलून पहने, हैट अब सिर पर धर,
ईवनिंग में वाक करने पार्क को जाता है हम।"
(In the entire Europe I am regarded as a gentleman
Don't say 'Babu' to me. I am called as a 'Mister'
I do not like Hindu's food
In the hotels I eat beef, cutting it with a spoon.
Wearing the coat and pant, and with a hat on my head
I go for the evening walk in the park.)
Malaviyaji has written many couplets of varied emotions including that of prayer. & For example-
"चंदा सूरज तुम रचे, रचे सकल संसार,
दृढ़ राखो मोसहि सत्य में, बिनवौं बारम्बार।"
(You have created the moon and the sun , and the whole world too
Keep me unperturbed in the truth, I request you repeatedly)
"उठों धरम के काम में, उठों देश के काज,
दीनबंधु! तुव नाम लें, नाथ राखियों लाज।"
(Rise for the Dharma, Rise for the nation's cause
Deen Bandhu! I utter your name, guard my honour)
Malaviyaji's 'poetic power', his ornate style and the perfect stanza plan make his poems very
mellifluous. His choice of words and style of expression is quite distinct and sets him at par with
many Hindi poets.
(Source: Translated from "Alok Purush Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya by Bharat Ram Bhatt)