Mahamana as a Social Reformer
Some of his extensive speeches and articles on the various facets of dharma were published by the Banaras Hindu University in 1962. Even a glance at his writings on the subject indicate the depth of his knowledge and intense experience. Malaviyaji expounded the values of Sanatana Dharma through his lectures, stories, and writings.
Through his prayer 'Ram is Everywhere' ' (Ghat-ghat mein hai Ram),Malaviyaji explained that the One and the only One Supreme (by whatever name it is called) is everywhere. When one believes in this saying, develops an unflinching faith in it, and experiences it in daily life, then there is no question of giving any trouble or pain to any other being. Happiness and peace will prevail then! Man's welfare lies only in this. Kindness will flood his mind and heart when someone else is in pain or difficulty or the weak and helpless are exploited by the powerful. Gradually, when the powerful or the so-called high born realizes the above truth, kindness impells him to treat everyone as his own brother. This is the ideal situation of practising Sanatana Dharma.
Jawaharlal Nehru once said that Malaviyaji was always devoted to constructive and creative work he not only built institutions, which were many, but he also shaped the people of India.
Malaviyaji wanted to inculcated values in every young man so that he could be true to all his responsibilities in life as an individual, a social being and a citizen of the country. On countless occasions he exhorted his students in the university to be faithful towards God and religion.
For him a life devoid of religious faith was an empty vessel, a mere husk without the seed of reality. The indifference of the modern youth towards dharma gave him genuine pain and nothing pleased him more than the inculcation of the right spirit amongst the students. He was keen that the students should be exposed to the dharmic values and organized weekly lectures on the Gita in the university. As he taught so he lived. He set example by being present for Sunday Gita sermons or Ekadasi congregational discourses and delivered Gita lectures in BHU, whenever he was in Banaras.
The The best way to honour and remember Malaviyaji is to translate in our daily life the principles of dharma and values of life.
(Sources: 'Visionary of Modern India: Madan Mohan Malaviya- ' - Dr. S.K Maini, Dr. Vishwanath Pandey, K. Chandramouli)