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He says that we should keep in mind that though soul is considered to be better than body, it does not mean that body should be neglected completely. According to him, "If we do not have any right on our body, we gradually lose control from our soul too, for a sound body in every sense is the first and foremost requisite for the spiritual progress". Since he considered our body to be the abode of the Supreme Soul, we should keep it healthy and pure. He considered truth and celibacy as the most potent guards of our body, as truth brings us close to God and celibacy endows us with the self-confidence by which we can face and conquer the hardships in our life.

Malaviyaji believed that we should be grateful towards God because He is our progenitor, nurturer and protector. He believed that it is the pious duty of every individual to worship Him and chant His name. He considered bhakti- marg to be the simplest and excellent path for the amelioration of every human being. He frequently referred to that episode in the Gita where Lord Krishna says that even a sinner becomes sinless if he chants or worships him with complete devotion, for complete devotion washes away all the sins. Mahamana says that God looks after and protects his devotees like a mother cares for her child.

Though there are various ways of worshiping Him, Malaviyaji has prescribed Kirtan (chanting the name of God) and Murti-darshan (idol worshipping). These two ways of worshiping and prayer are the easiest and the most fruitful for every human being. He says even a lay man can practice them easily and experience the bliss that follows it. Malviyaji believed in the purity of hearts as it enables an individual to see God in his own heart.


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