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Quotations on Mahamana

  • "Of the patriarchs among leaders of India's struggle for freedom, none has so impressed me with his fairness, sincerity and cultural greatness as Malaviya. He has a manner full of grace and charm and a demeanour calm, dignified.. His personality radiates the sweetness and simplicity of a child, yet his words carry the strength and conviction of man with a settled philosophy of life. Today, at 71, he is distinguished as an educator, statesman, legislator, orator, above all as a patriot."

    - Edgar Snow,
    American Journalist

  • "Of all the Indian leaders, I love Malaviyaji the most, though I respect Gandhiji the best.That I think is a fair distribution of honour."
  • "The great persons like Malaviyaji are born in hundreds of years. Whenever any great or difficult situation arose before the country or the Congress Mahamana Malaviya was found standing like rock to get rid of it. Which country will not worship such a jewel among men."

    - Lala Lajpat Rai,
    National Leader

  • "Pandit Malaviya stands today, I venture to suggest, as a symbol of Indian unity among diversity of opinions. No person is as dear to innumerable Indians as is Malaviyaji. He has served the country with intense devotion; that is why we give him the highest place among Indian leaders of today."

    - Deenbandhu Andrews,
    Christian Missionary, Philosopher

  • "If Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi can be called Mahatma Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi, then Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya can be aptly called Dharmatma Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya. I know no other man in the whole country – and it is my good fortune to know many of India's best men – who could or would have succeeded in translating 'holy madness into accomplished fact' as Pandit Malaviya has done. And what greater monument could man wish for than the Hindu University?"

    - C.Y. Chintamani,
    Journalist, Politician and Parliamentarian


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