An Appeal

For Donations for Mahamana Malaviya Heritage Complex 

The Banaras Hindu University founded in 1916 by one of the most illustrious sons of Bharat, Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya ji has served the cause of the nation through national reconstruction for over nine decades and still stirs the hearts of men and women in India and abroad claming to be Indians.

The role played by Mahamana�s University during the Freedom struggle in the development of a national system of education and in national reconstruction are well known to need elaboration. The University has contributed immensely in preservation of national heritage, culture, values and ethics. Its contribution in the area of technology, agriculture, science, liberal arts, music and fine arts as also service in the area of health has been significantly acknowledged by the world at large.

Its alumni have occupied and still continues to provide leadership in all walks of life such as, legislature, government, administration, public sector enterprises, financial institutions, value based and cultural institutions etc. etc. These ambassadors of Mahamana nurtured in the ethos of the Gurukul carry forward the message of universal brotherhood. The University in totality continues to be the highest seat of learning and in the tradition of its Kul Geet is SARVA VIDYA KI RAJDHANI (Capital of all knowledge). It�s academic canvas consists under on umbrella of 15 Faculties, 127 departments, 3 Institutes numerous interdisciplinary and Advanced Centres, fully equipped teaching hospital (Modern and Indigenous) numerous support services and in addition A Rajiv Gandhi South Campus at Barkachha (2760 acres).

Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya was a Karm Yogi. He knew that within a short span of time, he had miles to go before his sleep. As his end reached he realized fully that this edifice of multi dimensional disciplines with the gurukul ethos and culture needed further strengthening as much of the vision remained unfulfilled. He as a devout Hindu did not even desire MOKSHA. He wanted rebirth to live to see the unfolding of his full vision. MAHAMANA still lives in sprit to observe whether his deeds and the advice rendered by the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi at his passing away has conjured BHU to march ahead � Malaviya left an imperishable memorial of himself in the Kashi Vishwavidyalay to put it on a stable foundation to serve its revolutionary growth, will surely be the most suitable memorial that can be erected by us to the memory of the great patriot.�

The march towards the centenary invites deep introspection. Do we move on in the spirit of Mahamana who carved out BHU as the Tallest Capital of Knowledge Saraswati, Has the convergence of multi dimensional disciplines and its blending failed to interact positively to provide education of the quality Malaviya ji desired and conceived for want of human resource of the right caliber? Has this seat of learning providing education from the primary to research levels (constituting the entire gamut of education from the cradle to the highest horizon) failed in recent decades to provide talented manpower to do Mahamana pride? What has been the impact of BHU in the life of Varanasi and the nation at large in recent decades and what is the nature of its extension reach to the masses? Does the situation invite us to ponder and think deeply, with the help of expert assistance, to retrain over selves to throw aside the debris and retrack  to the Universities destined path as chalked out by the Founder, and other great sons of India and eminent scholars who provided distinguished selfless service in the making of the University. 

The objective behind the establishment of the Mahamana Malaviya Heritage complex with a begging bowl is to obtain the blessings of well wishers and admirers of BHU and thus create a zone of serenity, away to an extent from normal routine, for the highest interaction and generation of sparks, rays and flames of creativity so as to ignite the minds of the young and thus facilitate grasps of the real purpose of knowledge and life and commit them to the service of the nation through values and ethos. Our vision is the integration of the India culture in the light of modern knowledge and to suit our present day needs and the resuscitates of its fundamental value in their pristine glory which constitute the essence of the rich heritage of Bharat. Our heritage is Mahamana, the seer and the saint, who begged not for himself but for a cause dear to him (rebirth of India into glory through highest learning), Mahatma Gandhi observed, after his return from South Africa to India, that he surrendered himself heart and soul to the crystal clear stream of Mahamana and decided to have abolition in that stream. Gurudev Rabindra Nath Tagore sang praise in the name of Kashi Hindu Vishwavidyalaya. Dr. Annie Besant, the great theosophist who surrendered all her projects to join hands with Mahamana in the task of establishing this citadel of learning i.e. Banaras Hindu University in the hope that from the sacred soil of Kashi would flow streams, waterfalls and fountains of knowledge flowing over plain, rugged and mountainous tracts to irrigate and induce the soil to emerge into leaves, branches, flowers and talented manpower in all walks of life to promote welfare, peace and harmony in India and Universe at large. 

The area and buildings earmarked for the Mahamana Malaviya Heritage Complex constitute buildings and the environment lived in and tread by Mahamana, Mahatma Gandhi, Gurudev and Dr. Annie Besant. The aim is that along with Mahamana these three convergenists will constitute and inspirational force to act as LIGHT HOUSE to expound the benefit of education, peace, non-violence, culture, ethics and ancient philosophy etc. etc. to transmit the message of the community in particular and the world at large in the new millennium. 

With these objectives and fructification of the observations made by the Father of the Nation on the occasion of the demise of Mahamana Malaviya, �to put on a stable foundation to secure its revolutionary growth, shall be the most suitable memorial that can be erected by us to the memory of the great patriot� that the Mahamana Malaviya Heritage Complex has been conceived. The aim is to erect memorials to be the crucible for highest interaction. 

The six acre campus of the Complex shall have Museums, Pictorial galleries, Auditorium/Media Centre, organized Lectures on Geeta etc. The Malaviya Bhawan and proposed annexes are to be developed as Creativity centres and function as repository library. The media centre would provide orientation to tourists and visitors and introduce them to the horizons and holistic vision of this national University. The proposed auditorium would serve as a platform for holding all earmarked Memorial Lectures of the University.

The project scheme for development visualizes the following:

 I.Malaviya Bhawan:
        1)      Renovation of the Prayer Hall in Malaviya Bhawan as also Pictorial Gallery of Mahamana�s life and works 
     2)      Restoration of the Malaviya Bhawan to its original setting to provide a glimpse of Mahamana�s multi faceted personality (from birth to his passing away)

 II. Construction of 3 Memorial Halls and other buildings as annexex: 
      1)      Memorial Halls to commemorate the life and works of his close associates in the making of the Nation and Banaras Hindu University- Mahatma Gandhi,
                Guru Dev Rabindranath Tagore, Dr. Annie Besant.
       2)      A Modern auditorium with acoustics and fitting for memorial lectures and other creative dialogues (National/International) 
       3)      Modern Media Centre for introduction and orientation of visitors to the vision Malaviyajee, his role in freedom struggle and national reconstruction with
              special focus on the BHU his dream child.
       4)      A commemorative Pillar with Malaviya Jyoti depicting sacrifices of Freedom Fighters of BHU and its Founder.
        5)      The Malaviya Bhawan Annexes to also provide for cottages (Kutirs) around the Lotus Pond for illustrious national and international scholars
         6)      Sound & Light to portray the vision of Malaviyajee and BHU both in freedom struggle and national reconstruction.

 Financial Outlay: 

Substantial funds are required for fulfilling these objective particularly the projected building construction and other programmes in Mahamana Malaviya Heritage Complex of Banaras Hindu University 

I            Renovation of Malaviya Bhawan                                  07 Crore

            Construction of Memorial Halls

            Auditorium and Media Centre


II            Malaviya Pillar                                                                 03 Crore

              Sound & Light



III            Corpus for Sustaining Programmes                           10 Crore


I, therefore, appeal, on behalf of the University to the alumni, philanthropists, public sector, financial institutions, individuals, well wishers of BHU cherishing the ideal of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviyaji to contribute generously to implement the projects. The University was great when Malaviya ji carried a begging bowl. Let us in the tradition carry the bowl for these projects to inspire new enthusiasm and life in the University portals. Is not here an urge in you to join the crusade? Well then, let us all come forward to stabilize the Foundation shaken by the ravage of times.



Panjab Singh



Copyright ©2007 Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi-221005