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Sayings of Mahamana

  • "Our country will prosper when our children along with mother's milk acquire in their hearts patriotism, love for motherland, love for Bharat (India)."
  • "We believe religion to be the surest foundation of character and the truest source of human happiness. We believe patriotism to be a powerful elevating influence which inspires men to high-minded unselfish action."
  • "Throughout the period of your work, take care to keep alive your sense of duty towards God and towards your country. It will sustain you in the most difficult situations and help you to avoid the many obstacles which beset your path."
  • "I want every citizen to learn the use of lathi and pistol, not to kill innocent persons, but to save them from the attacks of sinful cowards who dare to attack helpless Hindus and Muslims. That is the true spirit of citizenship."

  • "The question of untouchability is, to a large extent, a question to a large extent, of education and economic condition… There will not be a Hindu of the orthodox type who will not sit with a member of the depressed classes as a brother and a fellow citizen if he has been educated."
  • "We expect you to devote as much time and energy as you can spare to for the uplift of your humble brethren. We expect you to work in their midst, to share their sorrows and their joys, to strive to make their lives happier in every way you can."
  • "India belongs to the Hindus, the Mohemmedans, the Sikhs, the Parsis and others. No single person can rule over the rest. Your hand has five fingers. If you cut off the thumb, the power of your hand will be reduced to one tenth of its original power. Act in such a way that all may unite…Let there be mutual trust. We will have to make such a law."
  • "The development of humanity alone is God and Godliness."
  • "The light of Brahma is within us, it is equally present in all living beings."
  • "Fearlessness is the only way to freedom."

  • "Awake, arise engage yourselves unceasingly and dauntlessly in work leading to prosperity, with the firm faith that success shall crown your endeavor."


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