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Sayings of Mahamana

  • "Every human being should consider himself as a unit of a whole and should live and work for its betterment, and also consider public service as the ultimate 'purusharth'."
  • "No big task accomplished without the cooperation of many people. People can work together only when there is mutual trust. Mutual trust is possible when all are the followers of truth."
  • "Truth is the soul of life, means for the development of society, and the basis of the ethics, servic and culture."
  • "Modesty is the best ornament of a man and also the mark of the Dharma."

  • "Patriotism is an important part of religion and the means to the attainment of swaraj and the progress of the nation."
  • "Public service done selflessly is called the labor of love."
  • "All our relations should be based on the foundation of patriotism."
  • "To nurture the true love and affection among all the communities of India – Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Parsees- is our ultimate duty."
  • "An independent press is the life of the democracy. It is essential to protect the press and there should be no regulations on it."
  • "The government by the people and in the interest of the people is the best government."
  • "Indian swaraj should be based on the adult suffrage."
  • "The protest against injustice should be within the boundaries of law and it should be made in a constitutional manner as far as possible."
  • (Sources : 'Visionary of Modern India: Madan Mohan Malaviya- Dr. S.K Maini, Dr Vishwanath Pandey, K. Chandramouli and translated from Mahamana Malaviyaji (Sources : Ke Updesh- Compiled by Prof. Mukut Bihari Lal. )


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