Last modified: January 05 2023 11:51:12.
U.G.C. Human Resource Development Centre
1. Full-Time (OPs and RCs)
i.) Programs organized by BHU- HRDC are full time. Adequate arrangements are made by the HRDC to ensure that the residential character of the course is maintained throughout.
ii.) Participating lecturers are deputed by the respective college / runiversity for the entire duration of the course.
iii.) Teachers selected for the program are treated as on duty with full pay and allowances by the sponsoring university/college.
iv.) Participants are drawn from the institutions on an all-India basis to promote national integration.
v.) Number of participants in a course should be about 20 and above. In case sufficient number of participants is not available in a particular course, we consult with nearby HRDCs that has been allotted the same subject by UGC in order to exchange participants among themselves, so as to ensure optimum number of participants in a course.
vi) All courses are organized through BHU-HRDC.
vii.) While organising refresher courses (RCs), care is taken to ensure that the faculty of the concerned department is fully involved.
viii.) Punctuality, regularity, participation and purposefulness is highly emphasized.
ix.) Successful candidates are issued certificates. BHU-HRDC may even disallow the issue of certificate to participants on valid reasons.
x.) Centres of excellence/institutions specializing in certain fields of study may approach UGC for conducting 3-week UGC-sponsored RCs. After examining the relevance UGC decides to allocate such courses on merit. However, funding in such cases will be through the University as per the norms.
xi. E-Content and development of learning object material technology are also used for OPs and RCs in the HRDC-BHU and add on e-courses are in plan to be introduced.
2. Short-term (6- days)
Apart from Refresher Courses and Orientation Programs for faculty, BHU- HRDC plans to conduct short term courses of about 2 to 6 days duration in various fields for the professional development of senior faculty viz. Professors and Readers.
3. Interaction Program (21 days)
Students at Ph.D./post-doctoral levels from Centre of Advanced Studies/Department of Special Assistance (CAS/DSA) may take part in the special interaction programs to be organized by BHU- HRDC under the RCs scheme. Such programs will be in the form of workshops/seminars only. Duration of this program will be about 3 weeks. Main focus of this program is interaction between Ph.D.postdoctoral scholars and teachers. The pattern for such programs will be similar to that for the RCs. The student participants shall be treated at par with the participants in refresher courses in respect of payment of TA/DA.
4. Orientation Program for Group 'A' officers and Group'B' and 'C' staff
BHU-HRDC plans to conduct Orientation Program for conducting seminar/ workshop for academic planers/ administrators including Group �A� officers. We also plan to conduct about 6 days professional development program for Non-academic Group �B� and �C� staff with the financial assistance of UGC.