Released for cultivation by CVRC in North East Plain Zone (U.P., Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Assam) and NHZ.

Important attributes :

  • Resistant to Powdery Mildew
  • Less affected by birds scaring
  • Attractive seed colour having farmers preference
  • Maturity duration : 115-118 days
  • Yield Potential : 25-28 quintals per hectare

Impact of variety : This is the first variety in tendril group notified by the CVRC and has served by the interest of the farmers in the best possible manne in the last 15 years. In the previous years after Rachna, the indent for breeder seed of this variety was used to be made in maximum quantity. Vareity has become very popular in all pea growing districts of U.P. and has served the purpose of farmers in a big way.

Released for cultivation by CVRC in NEPZ (U.P., Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Assam) and NHZ.

Important attributes :

  • This is the highest yielding variety released so far.
  • Yield potential 32-60 quintals per hectare and matures within 120 days
  • It is dual purpose pea used as vegetable as well as for Dhal.
  • Resistant to Powdery Mildew and Rust and tolerant to Frost
  • Less affected by birds scaring and blue bull

Impact of variety : This is the first variety in pea which has great demand among farmers of U.P., Bundhelkhand and M.P. particularly of drier zone because it is serving dual purpose (vegetable and seed). The maximum  indent of breeder seed has been made by the Ministry for this variety. This variety has yielded as high as 60 Q/ha in one farmers field in Sonbhadra whereas  the average yield of this variety is 40 Q/ha. Farmers have earned Rs.fifty thousand to fourteen lakhs by selling the TL seed of this variety to the seed dealers of different districts of eastern U.P. particularly in Sonbhadra  and Mirzapur. The maximum TL seed has been sold in the eastern U.P. among farmers  besides the standard type of

seeds (breeder, foundation and certified) sold by different agencies like SFCI, TDC, NSC, U.P. Govt., IIPR, JNKVV and BHU. This variety has already brought major breakthrough in total production of pea in eastern U.P. and Bundhelkhand. Pea is booming in this part of the country.