Malviya Wheat 12 ( HUW 12 )
1. Parentage :-       NP 876 / Ciano 66
2. Year of Identification / Release :- 1977 / 1979.
3. Area of adaptation : - North Eastern Plains Zone ( NEPZ ).
4. Two gene dwarf.
5. A good variety for timely sown ( 10 Nov to 30 Nov) irrigated conditions.
6. Suitable for general cultivation, zero-tillage and surface seeding.
7. Optimum dose of fertilizers per hectare  : 120-150 kg. Nitrogen, 60-80 kg.
     Phosphorus and  40-60 kg. Potash.
8. HUW 12 has Lr 1 gene for rust resistance. It is also tolerant to other diseases.
9. Grain yield per hectare : 45 to 50 qntls.
10. Very good variety for Chapatti making quality. 
Malviya Wheat 37 ( HUW 37 )
1. Parentage :-  Kalyansona / S 331 //  HD 1982.
2. Year of Identification / Release :- 1980 / 1982.
3. Area of adaptation : - North Eastern Plains Zone ( NEPZ ).
4.One gene dwarf.
5.A good variety for timely sown ( 10 Nov to 30 Nov) irrigated conditions.
6.Suitable for general cultivation, zero tillage and surface seeding.
7. Optimum dose of fertilizers per hectare:100-120 kg. Nitrogen, 60-80 kg.
    Phosphorus and  40-60 kg. Potash.
8.Resistant to all types of wheat diseases.
9.Grain yield per hectare : 50 to 55 qntls.
10.Very good for Chapatti making quality.
Malviya Wheat 55 ( HUW  55 )
1. Parentage :-  E 4870 / HD 1982  //  Inia 66 / HD 2189.
2. Year of Identification / Release :- 1981 / 1983.
3. Area of adaptation : - North Eastern Plains Zone ( NEPZ ).
4.One gene dwarf.
5.A good variety for timely sown( 10 Nov to 30 Nov) irrigated conditions.
6.Suitable for general cultivation, zero tillage and surface seeding.
7.Optimum dose of fertilizers per hectare  : 120-150 kg. Nitrogen, 80-100 kg.
    Phosphorus and  40-60 kg. Potash.
8.Resistant to all types of wheat diseases.
9.Grain yield per hectare : 55 to 60 qntls.
10.Very good for chapatti and bread making quality.
Malviya Wheat 206 ( HUW - 206 )
1. Parentage :-  Kavkaz / Buho  //  Kalyansona / Bluebird.
2. Year of Identification / Release :- 1983 / 1985.
3. Area of adaptation : - North Eastern Plains Zone ( NEPZ ).
4.One gene dwarf.
5.A very good variety for timely sown ( 10 Nov to 25 Nov) irrigated conditions.
6.Suitable for general cultivation, zero tillage and surface seeding.
7.Optimum dose of fertilizers per hectare  : 120-150 kg. Nitrogen, 80-100 kg.
    Phosphorus and  40-60 kg. Potash.
8.Resistant to all types of wheat diseases. HUW 206 has Lr 26 + 23 + ; Sr 31 + ; Yr 9
   genes for the resistance of rusts.
9.Grain yield per hectare : 55 to 60 qntls.
10.A good variety for chapatti making quality.
Malviya Wheat 213 ( HUW - 213 )
1. Parentage :-  Norteno / Moti  //  HD 2160.
2. Year of Identification / Release :- 1983 / 1985.
3. Area of adaptation : - North Eastern Plains Zone ( NEPZ ).
4.Two gene dwarf.
5.A good variety for late sown ( 25 November to Last week  of  December )
    irrigated conditions
6.Suitable for general cultivation, zero tillage and surface seeding.
7.Optimum dose of fertilizers per hectare  : 100-120 kg. Nitrogen, 60 kg.
    Phosphorus and  40 kg. Potash. It also performs very well at all levels of irrigation
    and fertilizer doses.
8. HUW 213 has Lr 14a ; Sr 11 + genes for rust resistance.
9.Grain yield per hectare : 40 to 45 qntls.
10.A very good variety for chapatti making quality.
Malviya Wheat 234 ( HUW - 234 )
1. Parentage: - HUW 12*2 / CPAN 1666.
2. Year of Identification / Release: - 1984 / 1986.
3. Area of adaptation: - North Eastern Plains Zone (NEPZ).
4.One gene dwarf.
5. An excellent variety for late sown (25 November to Last week of
    December)irrigated conditions. It also performs very well in timely sown irrigated
6.Suitable for general cultivation, zero tillage and surface seeding.
7.Optimum dose of fertilizers per hectare: 100-120 kg. Nitrogen, 60-80 kg.
   Phosphorus and  40-60 kg. Potash. It performs very well at all levels of irrigation
   and fertilizer doses.
8.HUW 234 has Lr 14a +   ; Sr 9b + 11 +  ; Yr 2 genes for rust resistance.
9.Grain yield per hectare : 45 to 50 qntls.
10.A very good variety for chapatti making quality.
HUW 251 ( Nepal Wheat - 251 )
1. Parentage :- WH 147 / HD 2160 // WL 711
2. Year of Release :- 1988 ( Released by Nepal Government for whole Terai  belt of Nepal ).
3. Area of adaptation : - For whole Terai  Belt of Nepal.
4. Two gene dwarf.
5.A good variety for timely and late sown ( 15 November to 30 December ) irrigated conditions.
6. Suitable for general cultivation, zero tillage and surface seeding.
7.Optimum dose of fertilizers per hectare  : 100-150 kg. Nitrogen, 60-80 kg. Phosphorus and
    40-60  kg. Potash.
8.Resistant to all types of wheat diseases.
9. Grain yield per hectare : 50 to 55 qntls ( Timely sown ) and 45 to 50 qtls  ( Late sown ).
10. A good variety for chapatti making quality. 
Malviya Wheat 318 ( HUW - 318 )
1. Parentage :-   HUW 206 / HUW 202
2. Year of Identification / Release :- 1989 / 1991.
3. Area of adaptation : - Southern Hills  Zone ( SHZ ).
4.Two gene dwarf.
5.A very good variety for timely sown ( 10 Nov to 25 Nov) under    limited
    irrigated conditions.
6.Suitable for general cultivation, zero tillage and surface seeding.
7.Optimum dose of fertilizers per hectare  : 120-150 kg. Nitrogen, 80-100 kg.
    Phosphorus and  40-60 kg. Potash.
8.HUW 318 has Lr 26 + 23 +  ; Sr 2 + 31 +   ; Yr 9 resistant genes for all type of rusts.
9.Grain yield per hectare : 55 to 60 qntls.
10.A good variety for chapatti making quality.
Malviya Wheat 468 ( HUW - 468 )
1. Parentage :-   CPAN 1962 /  TONI // LIRA �s� /  PRL �s�
2. Year of Identification / Release :- 1997 / 1999.
3. Area of adaptation : - North Eastern Plains Zone ( NEPZ ).
4.Two gene dwarf.
5.A very good variety for timely sown ( 10 Nov to 30 Nov) irrigated conditions.
6.Suitable for general cultivation, zero tillage and surface seeding.
7.Optimum dose of fertilizers per hectare  : 120-150 kg. Nitrogen, 80-100 kg.
    Phosphorus and  40-60 kg. Potash.
8. HUW 468 has Lr 13 +  ; Sr 2 +    rust resistant genes.
9.Grain yield per hectare : 55 to 60 qntls.
10.A very good variety for chapatti making quality.
Malviya Wheat 510 ( HUW - 510 )
1. Parentage :-   HD 2278 / HUW 234 // DL 230 - 16
2. Year of Identification / Release: - 1999 / 2000.
3. Area of adaptation : - Peninsular Zone ( PZ ).
4.Two gene dwarf.
5.A good variety for late sown ( 25 November to Last week  of December )
 irrigated conditions.
6.Suitable for general cultivation, zero tillage and surface seeding.
7.Optimum dose of fertilizers per hectare  : 100-120 kg. Nitrogen, 60 kg.
    Phosphorus and  40 kg. Potash. It also performs very well at all levels of
     irrigation and fertilizer doses.
8. HUW 510 has Lr 24 +  ; Sr 2 + 24 + genes for rust resistance.
9.Grain yield per hectare : 45 to 50 qntls.
10.Bold grains coupled with good chapatti making quality.
Malviya Wheat 533 ( HUW - 533 )
1. Parentage :-   UNNATH C 306 /HUW 81 // K 8027
2. Year of Identification  :-  2001
3. Area of adaptation : - North Eastern Plains Zone ( NEPZ ).
4.A tall wheat variety like C 306.
5.An excellent wheat variety for rainfed timely sown ( Last week of October to 12
    November ) under rainfed conditions.
6.Suitable for general cultivation, zero tillage and surface seeding.
7.Optimum dose of fertilizers per hectare  : 50-60 kg. Nitrogen, 30 kg. Phosphorus.
8.HUW 533 has Lr 24 +   ;  Sr 24 + 2 +   genes for the resistance of rusts. It is also
   highly resistant to other diseases of rusts.
9.Grain yield per hectare : 25 to 28 qntls.
10.Shining bold grains coupled with very good chapatti making quality.