Notified by CVRC for its cultivation to Central Zone (M.P., Chhatishgarh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra) for Kharif season
Important attributes:
1) Yield potential - 28-30 quintals per hectare and matures within 250-260 days;
2) Resistant to wilt, SMD and tolerant to pod fly, a major insect-pest of long duration pigeonpea;
3) Attractive seed with high recovery of Dhal
Impact of variety : This is the only long duration variety suited for cultivation in Central Zone particularly in M.P.  and  Chhatishgarh  because  of
highest yield and adoptation in the zone, this variety has been preferred over the variety like Asha in different northern districts of M.P. and Bundlekhand region. SFCI, TDC, JNKVV and BHU are producing large quantity of seeds of this variety to cater the needs of the farmers and hence farmers of M.P. and Bundelkhand region have accepted this variety at large scale in different pockets of northern districts of M.P. There is a bright future of adoption of this variety in this part because farmers are very happy with the yield and resistance of this variety over the other varieties grown in this part of the country.
Notified by CVRC for its cultivation to NEPZ (U.P., Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Assam)
Important attributes:
1) Yield potential - 25-28 q/ha and matures within 250 days;
2) Resistant to SMD and tolerant to Wilt;
3) Due to bolder seed size and high recovery of Dhal, it is preferred by consumers.
Impact of variety : This is the first variety for NEPZ released by CVRC after identification by Central Varietal Identification Committee.has been accepted by the farmers  due to its    wide adoptatio

and robust growth habit and high yield potential observed in different stress condition of NEPZ and therefore a considerable amount of seed has been produced by NSC, TDC, SFCI and BHU to cater the needs of the farmers. Soon this variety is going to get ground in NEPZ due to its wide adoptability.

Notified by CVRC on 23rd September 2004 for NEPZ (U.P., Bihar and Jharkhand etc.), Central Zone (M.P. and Chhatishgarh) and for pre-Rabi cultivation in both NEPZ and South Zone. Being highest yielding variety of pigeonpea .
Important attributes:
1) Yield potential - 30-35 quintals per hectare and matures within 230 days;
2) Boldest seed with highest recovery of Dhal and best cooking quality having consumer's preference due to sweet and tasty Dhal;
3) Highly resistant to wilt, SMD and tolerant to Phytophthora and pod fly infestation.
Impact of variety : This is one of the best variety notified by the CVRC in the history of Pigeonpea Improvement Programme of the country. It is encouraging to learn that variety has already become popular in five states (U.P., M.P., Bihar, Chhatishgarh and Jharkhand) quite before the date of notification. There is a great demand of seeds of this variety among the farmers of different states where long duration variety is grown. Farmers have earned the income ranging from fifty thousand to eight lakhs by selling the TL seeds of this variety in the last season and variety will definitely bring a major breakthrough in total pigeonpea production. The best index of popularity of this variety is that in the year of notification itself, 150 quintals breeder seed of this variety is likely to be produced in coming season.