Important attributes :

  • Released for cultivation by CVRC in NEPZ (U.P., Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Assam) has become popular in various states of other zones also.
  • White seeded
  • Yield potential 15-20 quintals per hectare with best cooking quality

Impact of variety :

On account of best cooking quality and yield, this variety is very popular among consumers and there is a great prospect of this variety in future as it is only available white and thin testa seeded variety in rajmash in this region.

Important attributes :

  • Red seeded, released for cultivation by CVRC in NEPZ. Besides U.P., Bihar, Jharkhand and Assam, this variety has become popular among farmers of Rajasthan, Gujarat, M.P., Chhatishgarh and Maharashtra.
  • Yield potential 18-22 quintals per hectare with maximum preference of the consumers due to attractive seed colour.

Impact of variety :

This is the first red seeded variety released by CVRC and has appealing texture and colour suited to the consumers preference. On account of high yield and good colour, this variety is in great demand among farmers and better prospects in NEPZ.