This variety was notified by CVRC, New Delhi for cultivation in following zones i.e. (a) Central Zone (M.P., Chhatishgarh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra) for spring season (b) South Zone (Orissa, A.P., Karnataka, Tamilnadu) for spring as well as in Kharif season.
Important attributes :
  • Yield potential - 15-20 quintals per hectare and matures within 65-70 days
  • Resistant to moongbean yellow mosaic virus, Cercospora leaf spot and powdery mildew.
  • Seeds are shining green, medium size which attract good market
Impact of variety :
 A large amount of breeder seed (about 48.0 q) of this variety has been produced yearly in the previous years since the variety was notified. On account of production of large quantity of foundation and certified seed, this is very widely adopted and accepted by the farmers in the Central Zone (M.P. and Chattishgarh) in both the crop seasons (kharif and spring). Besides, this variety has become popular among farmers of U.P. and has served the purpose of the farmers and farmers have been able to earn the considerable income (Rs.40,000/- per hectare) following the cultivation of this variety in this zone also. Besides U.P. Govt., SFCI, NSC TDC and BHU are also taking the seed production programme of this variety in a big way.

Notified by CVRC for its cultivation to entire Uttar Pradesh including Uttranchal for Zaid season (Spring/summer)

 Important attributes:

  • Yield potential - 12-15 quintals per hectare and matures within 65 days
  • Moderately resistant to MYMV
  • Seeds are green and medium bold

Impact of variety:

Because of shorter duration, this variety is popular among the farmers in U.P. U.P. Government is producing the breeder, foundation and certified seed of this variety in large quantity and therefore, this variety has been adopted by the farmers in different parts of U.P. Besides U.P. Govt., SFCI, NSC, TDC and BHU are also taking the seed production programme of this variety in a big way.

Notified by CVRC for its cultivation for entire Uttar Pradesh including Uttranchal for Zaid season (Spring/summer)

 Important attributes :

  • Yield potential - 12-14 quintals per hectare and matures within 60-65 days
  • Moderately resistant to MYMV
  • Seeds are green and medium bold having 27% protein content.

Impact of variety :

This variety matures within 60 days and has been recommended for cultivation in summer season after the harvest of wheat and therefore, the seeds of this variety is in great demand by the farmers. Accordingly, U.P. Govt. has already produced a large quantity of seeds of this variety to cater the needs of the farmers. In addition, SFCI, NSC, TDC and BHU are also taking the seed production programme of this variety at large scale.

Released by CVRC for North East Plain Zone (U.P., Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Assam) for summer season.

Important attributes :

  • Yield potential - 15-20 quintals per hectare and matures within 60-65 days
  • Moderately resistant to MYMV
  • Seeds are attractive and bold having consumer's preference.

Impact of variety :

Being the latest variety for NEPZ for summer cultivation and on account of larger seed size and resistance, this variety is in great demand by the farmers and considerable amount of seeds have been produced by different agencies to cater the needs of the farmers. There is a great prospect of this variety is near future. This variety will definitely serve the real purpose of the farmers in U.P., M.P. and Chhatishgarh as farmers of M.P. and Chhatishgarh have preferred this variety due to its attractive bold seed size and earliness combined with resistance.
