Department of Vikriti Vigyan
* BAMS course (Undergraduate level in 2nd Professional)
* Ayurveda Vachaspati {MD (Ayurveda)} course in Rog Nidan avum Vikriti
* Ph.D. in Rog Nidan avum Vikriti Vigyan
* Extension lectures
* Implementation of the Environmental studies in the undergraduate courses
of Ayurveda
* Periodical Academic and Clinical Seminars by the Residents of the Department
* Guest Lectures by the eminent faculties
Standardization of Ancient Diagnostic tool:
* Standardization of Taila Bindu Pariksha in collaboration with Dept.
of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, IMS, BHU
* Standardization of Nadi Pariksha in collaboration with Dept of Bio-medical
engineering, Institute of Technology, BHU
* Diagnostic and Prognostic evaluation of Diabetes Mellitus through Taila
Bindu Pariksha.
* Standardization of Mala Pariksha
Etiopathological studies of disease conditions
* Kamala (Various types of Hepatitis)
* Prameha (Diabetes mellitus and other Urinary pathological conditions)
* Tamaka Shvasha (Bronchial Asthama- etiopathological and Prognostic evaluation)
* Pandu (Study on Hematological profile)
Development of Ayurvedic prognostic scale
of disease conditions
* Chronic Renal Failure and Carcinoma on the basis of Arista Lakshan &
Taila Bindu Pariksha
Conference/Seminars/Workshops/Extension lectures conducted
Extension Lectures
- Dr S K Khandel - "Concept of Avarana and its applied utility
in the Diagnosis and treatment" on 03.03.2008
- Prof. M.Srinivasalu - "Concept of Ama and its Diagnosis by clinical
and Laboratory methods" on 04.03.2008
Re-orientation Training Programme
- (RoTP) for Teachers in Roga Nidan (31st August-5th Sept, 2009)
o Photo Album
- NewsPaper Clips to be kept as such
- RoTP in Geriatrics (15th - 20th Feb, 2010)
- Workshop of Technical Terminology in Roga Nidan (1st -3rd feb, 2010)