Department of Vikriti Vigyan


1. OPD Services: Registration slip (OPD Slip) charges: Rs 10/-
2. Laboratory Services

Sl.No Name of Test Charges in Rs.
1. Hb 15.00
2 TLC, DLC 20.00
3 ESR 10.00
4 GBP 10.00
5 T.R.B.C. 15.00
6 PCV 15.00
7 Platelets count 30.00
8 MP/ MF 10.00/ 10.00
Sl.No Name of Test Charges in Rs.
1. Blood Sugar (F) 10.00
2 Blood Sugar (PP) 10.00
3 Blood Urea 20.00
4 Blood Cholesterol 30.00
5 Sr. Creatinine 30.00
6 Sr. Alk. Phosphate 30.00
7 Sr. Bilirubin 30.00
8 Sr. Protein 30.00
9 SGOT 40.00
10 SGPT 40.00
11 LFT 200.00
12 Uric Acid 40.00
13 Lipid Profile 300.00
Sl.No Name of Test Charges in Rs.
1. HBs, Ag 50.00
2. RA Factor 50.00
3. ASO Titre 50.00
4,. Para check 250.00
5. CRP 50.00

Sl.No Name of Test Charges in Rs.
1. Urine R & M 15.00
2 Urine- Bile salt, Bile Pigment, Urobilinogen, Acetone, Ketone bodies 15.00
3 Urine- Protein 10.00

Sl.No Name of Test Charges in Rs.
1. Stool Ova Cyst 10.00
2 Stool Occult blood 10.00

Sl.No Name of Test Charges in Rs.
1. Seminogram 10.00
2 Ascitic Fluid R & M 20.00
3 CSF R & M 30.00


ECG 30.00