Department of Vikriti Vigyan

The department is providing both clinical and laboratory services in the S S Hospital, BHU

a. Clinical Services
1. OPD Services:
Two days in a week in room No. 23 of Indian Medicine wing of S S Hospital, BHU from 9 AM to 1PM
Schedule: Tuesday: Dr A C Kar, Associate Professor & Head
Saturday: Dr P S Byadgi, Assistant Professor

2. IPD Services:
Male Kayachikitsa (MKC) ward: No. of Beds: 7
Female Kayachikitsa (FKC) ward: No. of Beds: 3

b.Diagnostic Services

Clinical Laboratory (IM): (Room No 2 & 3), 1st Floor, S S Hospital (IM) wing
* Hematological Investigations
* Biochemical Investigations
* Serological Investigations
* Stool & Urine Investigations