Department of Vikriti Vigyan
Department of Vikriti Vigyan is situated in the "Dhanvantri
Bhavan" of Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi. Total area of department is approximately
2178 Sq. Feet. The Department of Vikriti Vigyan was initially started
as a section in the year 1988 under the Department of Kayachikitsa with
a view to impart Postgraduate teaching/ training and conduct higher research
activities in this subject. This section has got an independent status
as a full fledged department on 6th November 2006. This department has
made substantial contribution in the field of aetiopathological and clinico-pathological
studies in several diseases under the personalities of highest order of
academic excellence like Prof. S N Tripathi and Prof. Divakar Ojha. Since
inception, this Department has produced 26 MD (Ay.) Post Graduates and
06 Ph. Ds up to July 2011.