Department of Vikriti Vigyan
The aim and objective of the department is broadly
divided into two categories.
1. Academic activities 2. Research activities
1. Academic activities
* To Impart theoretical teaching in the subject Rog Nidan and Vikriti
Vigyan to undergraduate and postgraduate scholars
* To impart practical clinical and laboratory training to the undergraduate
and postgraduate scholars
* To conduct periodical extension lectures by the personalities of highest
academic excellence.
* To conduct periodical Reorientation training programme (ROTP) and Continuing
Medical education (CME) in Rog Nidan and Vikriti Vigyan for the teachers
and medical officers as and when entrusted by the University/Govt. of
2. Research activities
* Standardization and scientific evaluation of ancient clinical and laboratory
diagnostic technology
* Development of diagnostic devices to evaluate the ancient diagnostic
* Correlation and interpretation of laboratory investigations with the
clinical diagnostic principles of Ayurveda
* Scientific evaluation of clinical diagnostic tools of Ayurveda
* Aetiopathological and Clinico-pathological studies of disease conditions
* Development of Samprapti-Ghatakas (Components of Pathogenensis) of the
new diseases not described in Ayurvedic texts but presently affecting
the human beings