PROF. Subhash C. Lakhotia

Retired Professor
INSA Senior Scientist
Ph D (Kolkata)
Contact Information:
(O) 0542-2368145, 0542-6701827, (R) 0542-2312012, (M) 09453048657
Email Id: [email protected]; [email protected]

Area of specialization/awards/achievements:

My laboratory's focus is on studying the developmental roles and regulation of the non-coding hsr-omega, heat shock and a few other novel genes in Drosophila, using genetic, cell biological, molecular and recombinant DNA approaches. Roles of these genes in modulating apoptosis and neurodegeneration in Drosophila models of human diseases and cellular effects of certain Ayurvedic formulations using fly model are also being studied.
Recipient of INSA Young Scientist Medal (1975), INSA S L Hora Medal (2002), INSA Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Visiting Fellowship (2009), UGC Career Award (1979), UGC National Lecturership (1989), UGC J C Bose Medal (1998), S S Bhatnagar Prize in Biological Sciences (1989), BHU Prof. C N R Rao Medal for Excellence in Science (2007), Fellow of Indian National Science Academy (1993), Indian Academy of Sciences (1994) and National Academy of Sciences of India (2002).
Member of Editorial Boards of Current Science, Journal of Bioscience, RNA Biology, Cell Stress & Chaperones, Annals of Neurosciences

Current Research Projects:
1 DST Ramanna Fellow Project DST From 1.10.2009 for 3 years
2 Interactions of different Hsp60 proteins in Drosophila melanogaster DBT From May 2010 for 3 years
3 DAE-BRNS Raja Ramanna Fellowship DAE From July 2011 for 3 years

Full List of Publications:



A. Full Length Research Papers
  1. S. C. LAKHOTIA & M.M.CHAKRAVARTY (1968) Some cytochemical observations on Zschokkella auerbachi (Weill) Chakravarty, 1940 (Myxosporidia, Protozoa). ACTA HISTOCHEM. 30:123-132 PDF;
  2. A.S.MUKHERJEE, S. C. LAKHOTIA & S.N.CHATTERJEE (1968) On the molecular and chromosomal basis of dosage compensation in Drosophila. THE NUCLEUS Suppl vol: 161-173
  3. S. C. LAKHOTIA & A.S.MUKHERJEE (1969) Chromosomal basis of dosage compensation in Drosophila. I. Cellular autonomy of hyperactivity of the male X-chromosome in salivary glands and sex differentiation. GENET. RES. 14: 137-150 PDF; ;
  4. S. C. LAKHOTIA (1970) Chromosomal basis of dosage compensation in Drosophila. II. The DNA replication patterns of male X-chromosome in an autosome-X insertion in D.melanogaster. GENET. RES. 15: 301-307
  5. S. C. LAKHOTIA & A.S.MUKHERJEE (1970) Chromosomal basis of dosage compensation in Drosophila. III. Early completion of replication by the polytene X-chromosome of male: further evidence and its implications. J. CELL BIOL. 47: 18-33
  6. S.R.V.RAO & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1972) Chromosomes of Rattus (Rattus) blanfordi (Thomas), Muridae, Rodentia. J.HERED. 63: 44-47
  7. S.R.V.RAO, S. C. LAKHOTIA & S.C.JHANWAR (1972) Studies on rodent chromosomes. VII. Chromosomes of Funambulus tristriatus (Waterhouse) and considerations on intrageneric relationships. PROC. IND. NATL. SCI. ACAD. 38B: 8-13
  8. S. C. LAKHOTIA & A.S.MUKHERJEE (1972) Chromosomal basis of dosage compensation in Drosophila. IV. Hyperactivity of the polytene X-chromosome in D.kikkawai and D.bipectinata. PROC. ZOOL. SOC., CALCUTTA 25: 1-9
  9. S. C. LAKHOTIA & A.S.MUKHERJEE (1972) Chromosomal basis of dosage compensation in Drosophila. VI. Transcription and replication in male X-chromosome of D.melanogaster after X-irradiation. THE NUCLEUS 15: 189-200
  10. V.C.SHAH, S. C. LAKHOTIA & K.ARAVINDA BABU (1973) A new population of Rattus rattus with 38 chromosomes in north-western India. CURRENT SCIENCE 42: 357-359
  11. S.C.LAKHOTIA, S.R.V.RAO & S.C.JHANWAR (1973) Studies on rodent chromosomes. VI. Co-existence of Rattus rattus with 38 and 42 chromosomes in south-western India. CYTOLOGIA 38: 403-410
  12. S. C. LAKHOTIA & J.JACOB (1974) EM autoradiographic studies on polytene nuclei of Drosophila melanogaster. I. Replication and its relationship with nuclear membrane. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 12: 389-394
  13. S. C. LAKHOTIA & J.JACOB (1974) EM autoradiographic studies on polytene nuclei of Drosophila melanogaster. II. Organization and transcriptive activity of the chromocentre. EXP. CELL RES. 86: 253-263
  14. S. C. LAKHOTIA (1974) EM autoradiographic studies on polytene nuclei of Drosophila melanogaster. III. Localization of non-replicating chromatin in the chromocentre heterochromatin. CHROMOSOMA 46: 145-159
  15. S. C. LAKHOTIA (1974) Ultrastructure of the chromocentre heterochromatin in salivary gland polytene nuclei of Drosophila hydei. THE NUCLEUS 17: 100-103 PDF
  16. S. C. LAKHOTIA (1976) Binding of 3H-Actinomycin D with polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster. INDIAN BIOLOGIST 8: 15-21 PDF
  17. V.C.SHAH, S.C.LAKHOTIA, N.J.CHINOY, K.S.SHARMA & V.MOJAMDAR (1976) The possible site of trauma in leucodermic/vitiligenous skin. AROGYA- J. HEALTH SCI. 2: 35-37 PDF
  18. M.KUMAR & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1977) Localization of non-replicating heterochromatin in polytene cells of Drosophila nasuta by fluorescence microscopy. CHROMOSOMA 59: 301-305 PDF;
  19. S.ROY & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1977) Synchrony of replication in sister salivary glands of Drosophila kikkawai. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 15: 794-796 PDF;
  20. S. C. LAKHOTIA & M.KUMAR (1978) Heterochromatin in mitotic chromosomes of Drosophila nasuta. CYTOBIOS 21: 79-89 PDF;
  21. S. C. LAKHOTIA & S.ROY (1979) Replication in Drosophila chromosomes. I. Replication of intranucleolar DNA in polytene cells of D.nasuta. J. CELL SCI. 36: 185-197 PDF;;
  22. S.ROY & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1979) Replication in Drosophila chromosomes. II. Unusual replicative behavior of two puff sites in polytene nuclei of D.kikkawai. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 17: 231-238 PDF;
  23. S. C. LAKHOTIA (1979) Bands and condensed chromatin as sites of transcription in polytene chromosomes of Drosophila. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 17: 239-248 PDF
  24. S.C.LAKHOTIA, J.K.ROY & M.KUMAR (1979) A study of heterochromatin in Drosophila nasuta by the 5-bromodeoxyuridine-Giemsa staining technique. CHROMOSOMA 72: 249-255 PDF;
  25. T.MUKHERJEE & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1979) 3H-uridine incorporation in the puff 93D and in chromocentric heterochromatin of heat shocked salivary glands of Drosophila melanogaster. CHROMOSOMA 74: 75-82 PDF;;
  26. K.ARAVINDA BABU, V.C.SHAH & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1980) Effects of benzamide on mitosis and chromosomes in mammalian cells in vitro. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 18: 329-332 PDF;
  27. S. C. LAKHOTIA (1980) In vivo sister chromatid exchange frequencies in fetal and adult cells of mouse. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 18: 895-896 PDF;
  28. P.SINHA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1980) Replication in Drosophila chromosomes. Part V. Polytene chromosome replication after in vitro culture of larval salivary glands. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 18: 1059-1065 PDF;
  29. S. C. LAKHOTIA & M.KUMAR (1980) Replication in Drosophila chromosomes. Part VI. Relative heterochromatin content and autonomous endoreplication cycles of hetero- and euchromatin in brain cells of Drosophila nasuta. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 18: 1066-1071 PDF;
  30. S. C. LAKHOTIA & T.MUKHERJEE (1980) Specific activation of puff 93D of Drosophila melanogaster by benzamide and the effect of benzamide treatment on the heat shock puffing activity. CHROMOSOMA 81: 125-136 PDF;;
  31. S. C. LAKHOTIA & A.MISHRA (1980) Fluorescence patterns of heterochromatin in mitotic and polytene chromosomes in seven members of the melanogaster species group of Drosophila. CHROMOSOMA 81: 137-150 PDF;;
  32. T.MUKHERJEE & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1981) Specific induction of the 93D puff in Drosophila mselanogaster by homogenate of heat shocked larval salivary glands. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 19: 1-4 PDF
  33. S. C. LAKHOTIA (1981) Replication in Drosophila chromosome. III. Disproportionate relication of hetero- and euchromatin in wing imaginal disk cells of D.nasuta larvae. GENETICA 54: 247-250 PDF; code=p001370266513653&size=largest
  34. S.C.LAKHOTIA, A.MISHRA & P.SINHA (1981) Dosage compensation of X-chromosome activity in interspecific hybrids of Drosophila melanogaster and D.simulans. CHROMOSOMA 82: 229-236 PDF;;
  35. S.ROY & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1981) Replication in Drosophila chromosomes. IV. Patterns of chromosomal replication in salivary gland polytene nuclei of Drosophila nasuta. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 19: 797-807 PDF
  36. S. C. LAKHOTIA & J.K.ROY (1981) Effect of Hoechst 33258 on condensation patterns of hetero- and euchromatin in mitotic and interphase nuclei of Drosophila nasuta. EXP. CELL RES. 132: 423-431PDF;;
  37. T.MUKHERJEE & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1982) Heat shock puff activity in salivary glands of Drosophila melanogaster during recovery from anoxia at two different temperatures. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 20: 437-439 PDF
  38. A.MISHRA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1982) Replication in Drosophila chromosomes. VII. Influence of prolonged larval life on patterns of replication in polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster. CHROMOSOMA 85: 221-236 PDF;;
  39. S. C. LAKHOTIA & T.MUKHERJEE (1982) Absence of novel translation products in relation to induced activity of the 93D puff in Drosophila melanogaster. CHROMOSOMA 85: 369-374 PDF;
  40. S. C. LAKHOTIA & A.K.SINGH (1982) Conservation of the 93D puff of Drosophila melanogaster in different species of Drosophila. CHROMOSOMA 86: 265-278 PDF;
  41. S. C. LAKHOTIA & A.MISHRA (1982) Functional organization of polytene X-chromosome in two X-chromosome inversion carrying larvae of Drosophila melanogaster reared at 24oC or 10oC. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 20: 643-651 PDF
  42. A.MISHRA S. C. LAKHOTIA (1982) Replication in Drosophila chromosomes. VIII. Temporal order of replication of specific sites in polytene chromosomes from 24oC and 10oC reared larvae of D.melanogaster. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 20: 652-659 PDF
  43. J.K.ROY, S. C. LAKHOTIA & M.L.S.MELLO (1982) Further observation on Hoechst 33258 plus hypotonic treatment induced supercondensation of interphase heterochromatin in Drosophila nasuta cells. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 20: 791-796 PDF;
  44. P.SINHA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1983) Replication in Drosophila chromosomes. IX. Stimulation of initiation of polytene replication cycles in vitro by juvenile hormone. CELL DIFFERENTIATION 12: 11-17 PDF;
  45. S. C. LAKHOTIA & P.SINHA (1983) Replication in Drosophila chromosomes. X. Two kinds of active replicons in salivary gland polytene nuclei and their relation to chromosomal replication patterns. CHROMOSOMA 88: 265-276 PDF;;
  46. S. C. LAKHOTIA & J.K.ROY (1983) Effects of distamycin A and netropsin on condensation of mitotic chromosomes in early embryos and larval brain cells of Drosophila nasuta. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 21: 357-362 PDF;
  47. A.K.SINGH & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1983) Further observations on the inducibility of the 93D puff of Drosophila melanogaster by homogenate of heat shocked cells. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 21: 363-366 PDF
  48. S. C. LAKHOTIA (1984) Replication in Drosophila chromosomes. XII. Reconfirmation of under replication of heterochromatin in polytene nuclei by cytofluorometry. CHROMOSOMA 89: 63-67 PDF;
  49. S. C. LAKHOTIA & P.K.TIWARI (1984) Replication in Drosophila chromosomes. XI. Differences in temporal order of replication in two polytene cell types in Drosophila nasuta. CHROMOSOMA 89: 212-217 PDF;
  50. S. C. LAKHOTIA & T.MUKHERJEE (1984) Specific induction of the 93D puff in polytene nuclei of Drosophila melanogaster by colchicine. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 22: 67-70 PDF;
  51. J.K.ROY & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1984) A-T specific DNA ligands plus hypotonic induced supercondensation of chromocentre in brain cells of Drosophila nasuta larvae in relation to their synthetic activities. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 22: 287-291 PDF;
  52. P.K.TIWARI & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1984) Replication in Drosophila chromosomes. XIII. Comparison of late replicating sites in two polytene cell types in D.hydei. GENETICA 65: 227-234 PDF; code=w228j03215615112&size=largest
  53. A.K.SINGH & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1984) Lack of effects of microtubule poisons on the 93D or 93D-like heat shock puffs in Drosophila. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 22: 569-576 PDF
  54. P.K.BURMA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1984) Cytological identity of 93D-like and 87C-like heat shock loci in Drosophila pseudoobscura. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 22: 577-580 PDF
  55. S.K.JAIPURIAR, T.P.S.TEOTIA, S. C. LAKHOTIA & N.S.CHAUHAN (1984) A reinvestigation of the lecanoid chromosome system in Indian lac insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr). CYTOBIOS 42: 263-270 PDF
  56. S.C.LAKHOTIA, A.K.SINGH (1985) Non-inducibility of the 93D heat shock puff in cold-reared larvae of Drosophila melanogaster. CHROMOSOMA 92: 48-54 PDF;
  57. S. C. LAKHOTIA & P.K.TIWARI (1985) Replication in Drosophila chromosomes. Part XV. Active replicons in brain ganglia and wing imaginal disks of D.nasuta larvae. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 23: 413-420 PDF
  58. P.K.BURMA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1986) Expression of the 93D heat shock puff of Drosophila melanogaster in deficiency genotypes and its influence on activity of the 87C puff. CHROMOSOMA 94: 273-278 PDF;
  59. D.KAR CHOWDHURI & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1986) Different effects of 93D on 87C heat shock puff activity in Drosophila melanogaster and D.simulans. CHROMOSOMA 94: 279-284 PDF;
  60. P.SINHA, ARATI MISHRA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1987) Chromosomal organization in Drosophila tumours. I polytene chromosome organization and DNA synthesis in ovarian pseudonurse cells in otu mutants of D.melanogaster.CHROMOSOMA 95: 108-116 PDF;
  61. A.K.SINGH & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1988) Effect of low-temperature rearing on heat shock protein synthesis and heat sensitivity in Drosophila melanogaster. DEV. GENETICS 9: 193-201PDF;
  62. B.B.NATH & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1989) Heat shock response in ovarian nurse cells of Anopheles stephensi. J. BIOSCI 14: 143-152 PDF;
  63. W.G.BENDENA, J.C.GARBE, K.L.TRAVERSE, S. C. LAKHOTIA & M.L.PARDUE (1989) Multiple inducers of the Drosophila h eat shock locus 93D (hsr w): inducer-specific pattern of the three transcripts. J CELL BIOL. 108: 2017-2028 PDF;
  64. B.B.NATH & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1989) Heat shock response in a tropical Chironomus: seasonal variation in response and the effect of developmental stage and tissue type on heat shock protein synthesis. GENOME 32: 676-686 PDF;
  65. S. C. LAKHOTIA & A.K.SINGH (1989) A novel set of heat shock polypeptides in Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster. J. GENET. 68: 129-137 PDF;
  66. TIWARI & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1990) In situ study of chorion gene amplification in ovarian follicle cells of Drosophila nasuta . J. BIOSCI. 15: 99-105 PDF;
  67. LAKHOTIA, D. KAR CHOWDHURI & P.K. BURMA (1990) Mutations affecting beta-alanine metabolism influence inducibility of the 93D puff by heat shock in Drosophila melanogaster. CHROMOSOMA 99: 296-305 PDF;;
  68. B.B.NATH & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1991) Search for a Drosophila - 93D-like locus in Chironomus and Anopheles. CYTOBIOS 65: 7-13 PDF;
  69. S.ROY & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1991) In situ patterns of nuclear replication in brain ganglia of l(2)gl4 mutant larvae of Drosophila melanogaster. J. GENET. 70: 161-168 PDF;
  70. P.K.TIWARI & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1991) Restriction enzyme digestion of heterochromatin in Drosophila nasuta. J. BIOSCI. 16: 187-197 PDF;
  71. S. C. LAKHOTIA & B.N.SINGH (1993) A simple and inexpensive "Western-blotting" apparatus. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. 31: 301-302 PDF
  72. S. C. LAKHOTIA (1993) Is the X-chromosome early replicating in mitotic cells of Drosophila males. IND. J. EXP. BIOL. (Letter to the Editor) 31: 661-662 PDF;
  74. S.C.LAKHOTIA, A.SHARMA, M.MUTSUDDI & M.G.TAPADIA (1993) Gelatin as a blocking agent in southern blot and in situ hybridizations. T rends in Genetics 9: 261 PDF;
  75. S. C. LAKHOTIA (1994) Drosophila larvae deficient for superoxide dismutase activity are thermosensitive but show normal heat shock response. CURRENT SCIENCE 66: 79-81 PDF; 81/viewpage.html
  76. S. C. LAKHOTIA & J.K.ROY (1995) The hyperactive X-chromosome is not early replicating in mitotically active somatic cells of Drosophila nasuta males. GENOME 38: 148-152 PDF;
  77. S. C. LAKHOTIA & A.SHARMA (1995) RNA metabolism in situ at the 93D heat shock locus in polytene nuclei of Drosophila melanogaster after various treatments. CHROMOSOME RES. 3: 151-161 PDF;
  78. S.C.LAKHOTIA, J.K.ROY & SUJATA KAR CHOWDHURI (nee ROY) (1995) Cell cycle and DNA content of mitotic cells in brain ganglia of Drosophila larvae. J.BIOSCIENCES 20: 175-195 PDF;
  79. A.MUKHERJEE, S. C. LAKHOTIA & J.K. ROY (1995) l(2)gl gene regulates late expression of segment polarity genes in Drosophila. MECH. DEV. 51: 227-234 PDF;
  80. A.SHARMA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1995) In situ quantification of hsp70 and alpha-beta transcripts at 87A and 87C loci in relation to hsr-omega gene activity in polytene cells of Drosophila melanogaster. CHROMOSOME RES. 3: 386-393 PDF;
  81. B.N.SINGH & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1995) The non-induction of hsp70 in heat shocked Malpighian tubules of Drosophila larvae is not due to constitutive presence of hsp70 or hsc70. CURRENT SCIENCE. 69: 178-182 PDF;
  82. M.MUTSUDDI & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1995) Spatial expression of the hsr-omega (93D) gene in different tissues of Drosophila melanogaster and identification of promoter elements controlling its developmental activity. DEV. GENET. 17: 303-311. PDF;
  83. S. C. LAKHOTIA & PRITHA RAY (1996) hsp83 mutation is a dominant enhancer of lethality associated with absence of the non-protein coding hsrw locus in Drosophila melanogaster. J. BIOSCIENCES 21: 207-219 PDF;
  84. S. C. LAKHOTIA & M.MUTSUDDI (1996) Heat shock but not benzamide and colchicine response elements are present within the -844bp upstream region of the hsrw gene of Drosophila melanogaster. J. BIOSCIENCES 21:235-246 PDF;
  85. S. C. LAKHOTIA & A.SHARMA (1996) The 93D (hsr-omega) locus of Drosophila: a non-coding gene with house-keeping functions. GENETICA 97:339-348 PDF;
  86. S. C. LAKHOTIA & B.N.SINGH (1996) Synthesis of a ubiquitously present new HSP60 family protein is enhanced by heat shock only in the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila. EXPERIENTIA 52: 751-756 PDF;
  87. A.Thekkuveettil & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1996) Regulation of HSP70 in excitatory neurons: possible implications for neuronal functioning. J. BIOSCIENCES 21: 631-640 PDF;
  88. M.G.TAPADIA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1997) Specific induction of the hsrw locus of Drosophila melanogaster by amides. CHROMOSOME RESEARCH 5:359-362 PDF;
  89. S. C. LAKHOTIA & M.G.TAPADIA (1998) Genetic mapping of the amide response element/s of the hsrw locus of Drosophila melanogaster. CHROMOSOMA 107:127-135 PDF;;
  90. P.Ray & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1998) Interaction of the non-protein-coding developmental and stress-inducible hsrw gene with Ras genes of Drosophila melanogaster. J. Biosciences 23: 377-386 PDF;
  91. S.C. LAKHOTIA, P. RAY, T.K. RAJENDRA & K.V. PRASANTH (1999) The non-coding transcripts of hsr-omega gene in Drosophila: do they regulate trafficking and availability of nuclear RNA-processing factors? CURR. SCIENCE 77: 553-563 PDF;
  92. S. C. LAKHOTIA (1999) Non-coding RNAs: versatile roles in cell regulation. CURR. SCIENCE 77: 479-480 PDF;
  93. S.MANDAL & S. C. LAKHOTIA (1999) Role of Bar locus in development of leg and antenna in Drosophila melanogaster. CURR. SCIENCE 77: 953-958 PDF;
  94. A.K. SINGH & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2000) Tissue-specific variations in induction of Hsp70 and Hsp64 by heat shock in insects. CELL STRESS & CHAPERONES 5: 90-97 PDF;
  95. K.V. PRASANTH, T.K. RAJENDRA, A.K. LAL & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2000) Omega speckles - a novel class of nuclear speckles containing hnRNPs and associated with non-coding hsr-omega RNA in Drosophila. J. CELL SCIENCE 113: 3485-3497 PDF;
  96. S.C. LAKHOTIA, T.K. RAJENDRA & K.V. PRASANTH (2001) Developmental regulation and complex organization of the promoter of the non-coding hsrw gene of Drosophila melanogaster. J. BIOSCIENCES 26: 25-38 PDF;;
  97. T.K. RAJENDRA, K.V. PRASANTH & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2001) Male sterility associated with over-expression of the non-coding hsrw gene in cyst cells of testis of Drosophila melanogaster. J. GENET. 80: 97-110.PDF;;
  98. S. C. LAKHOTIA & K.V. PRASANTH (2002) Tissue and development specific induction and turnover of hsp70 transcripts from 87A and 87C loci after heat shock and during recovery in Drosophila melanogaster. Jour. Exp. Biol. 205: 345-358 PDF;
  99. S.C. LAKHOTIA, PRIYA SRIVASTAVA & K.V. PRASANTH (2002) Regulation of Hsp70 and Hsp64 in heat shocked Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster larvae. CELL STRESS & CHAPERONES 7: 347�356 PDF;
  100. M. G. TAPADIA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2005) Expression of mdr49 and mdr65 multidrug resistance genes in larval tissues of Drosophila melanogaster under normal and stress conditions. CELL STRESS & CHAPERONES 10: 7-11 PDF;
  101. SURAJIT SARKAR & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2005). The Hsp60C gene in the 25F cytogenetic region in Drosophila melanogaster is essential for tracheal development and fertility. J. GENET. 84: 265-281 PDF;;
  102. SONALI SENGUPTA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2006). Altered expression of the noncoding hsrw gene enhances poly-Q induced neurotoxicity in Drosophila. RNA BIOLOGY 3:28-35 PDF;
  103. RICHA ARYA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2006) A simple nail polish imprint technique for examination of external morphology of Drosophila eyes. CURRENT SCIENCE (Scientific correspondence) 90:1179-1180 PDF;
  104. Akanksha, Moushami Mallik, Roshan Fatima and S. C. LAKHOTIA (2008) The hsrw05241 allele of the non-coding hsrw gene of Drosophila melanogaster is not responsible for male sterility as reported earlier. J. GENET. 87: 87-90 PDF;
  105. SURAJIT SARKAR & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2008). Hsp60C is required in follicle as well as germline cells during oogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster. DEV DYN 237:1334�1347 (cover page illustration in July 2008 issue) PDF;
  106. RICHA ARYA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2008) Hsp60D is essential for caspase-mediated induced apoptosis in Drosophila melanogaster. CELL STRESS & CHAPERONES DOI 10.1007/s12192-008-0051-3 PDF;
  107. MOUSHAMI MALLIK & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2009a). RNAi for the large non-coding hsrw transcripts suppresses polyglutamine pathogenesis in Drosophila models. RNA BIOLOGY 6 464-478 PDF;
  108. MOUSHAMI MALLIK & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2009b). The developmentally active and stress-inducible non-coding hsrω gene is a novel regulator of apoptosis in Drosophila. GENETICS 183: 831-852 PDF ;
  109. RICHA ARYA, S. ARIF NISHA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2010) Hsp60D- A novel modifier of polyglutamine-mediated neuro-degeneration in Drosophila ANNALS NEUROSCIENCES 17: 8-17. PDF;
  110. MOUSHAMI MALLIK & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2010). Improved activities of CREB binding protein, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins and proteasome following downregulation of noncoding hsromega transcripts help suppress poly (Q) pathogenesis in fly models. GENETICS 184: 927-945 PDF;
  111. MOUSHAMI MALLIK & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2011). Pleiotropic consequences of misexpression of the developmentally active and stress-inducible non-coding hsrω gene in Drosophila J. BIOSCIENCES 36: 265-280.PDF;
  112. Maria C. Onorati, Sandra Lazzaro, Moushami Mallik, Antonia M.R. Ingrassia, Anand K. Singh, Deo Prakash Chaturvedi, Subhash C. Lakhotia, Davide F.V. Corona (2011) The ISWI chromatin remodeler organizes the hsrw ncRNA-containing omega speckle nuclear compartments. PLOS GENETICS 7: e1002096. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002096. S. C. LAKHOTIA, MOUSHAMI MALLIK, ANAND SINGH & MUKULIKA RAY (2011) The large non-coding hsrw-n transcripts are essential for thermotolerance and remobilization of hnRNPs, HP1 and RNA polymerase II during recovery from heat shock in Drosophila. CHROMOSOMA 10.1007/s00412-011-0341-x /
  113. AKANKSHA, SONALI SENGUPTA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2011) DNApol-e gene is indispensable for the survival and growth of Drosophila melanogaster. GENESIS : DOI: 10.1002/dvg.20791PDF;
  114. S. C. LAKHOTIA, MOUSHAMI MALLIK, ANAND SINGH & MUKULIKA RAY (2012) The large non-coding hsr?-n transcripts are essential for thermotolerance and remobilization of hnRNPs, HP1 and RNA polymerase II during recovery from heat shock in Drosophila. CHROMOSOMA 121:49-70 DOI: 10.1007/s00412-011-0341-x
  115. S. C. LAKHOTIA, MOUSHAMI MALLIK, ANAND SINGH & MUKULIKA RAY (2012) The large non-coding hsr?-n transcripts are essential for thermotolerance and remobilization of hnRNPs, HP1 and RNA polymerase II during recovery from heat shock in Drosophila. CHROMOSOMA 121:105-106 DOI: 10.1007/s00412-011-0350-9 (ERRATUM)
  116. AKANKSHA, SONALI SENGUPTA & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2012) DNApol-??gene is indispensable for the survival and growth of Drosophila melanogaster. GENESIS 50:86-101 DOI: 10.1002/dvg.20791
  117. VIBHA DWIVEDI; E. M. ANANDAN; RAJESH M. MONY; T. S. MURALEEDHARAN; M. S. VALIATHAN; MOUSUMI MUTSUDDI & S. C. LAKHOTIA (2012) In vivo effects of traditional Ayurvedic formulations in Drosophila melanogaster model relate with therapeutic applications. PLoS ONE. 7(5): e37113. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037113
  118. ANAND K. SINGH & SUBHASH C. LAKHOTIA (2012) The hnRNP A1 homolog Hrp36 is essential for normal development, female fecundity, omega speckle formation and stress tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster. J. BIOSCIENCES 37: 659-678
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