1938 – Undertook 'Kayakalp' for improvement in health.
1939 – Resigned from Vice-chancellorship of Banaras Hindu University in September due to poor
1915 – health and on his recommendation. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan appointed the Vice-Chancellor of
1915 – Banaras Hindu University.
1939 – Was appointed Rector of the University for life in November.
1941 – Established "Gorakshmandal" (Cow protection Committee).
1942 – Convocation speech of Gandhiji on the occasion of Silver Jubilee of Banaras Hindu
1915 – University.
1946 – Breathed his last on November 12.
(Sources : 'Vyaktitwa, Krititwa Evam Vichar : Madan Mohan Malaviya'- Dr.Vishwanath Pandey, 'Visionary of Modern India: Madan Mohan Malaviya' - Dr. S.K Maini, Dr (Sources :Vishwanath Pandey, K. Chandramouli)