BHU Management Alumni Association (BHUMAA)

Annual Meet of BHU Management Alumni Association (BHUMAA) on 2nd February 2020. (Please click here for invite)

Please click here to Register for the meet.
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The purpose of BHU Management Alumni Association (BHUMAA) is to foster a continuing and comprehensive relationship between the Faculty and its former students as well as to promote unity and friendship.
At present near 150 students are every year graduating from the Faculty. A journey continuing since 1968, we have produced thousands of management professionals who have successfully established themselves in different parts of the globe. This strong community is truly a family, sharing common interests, goals and ideals; thus, living out the Faculty's mission.
In order to get together and revive the sweet old memories of their stay at FMS-BHU campus, every year a National Meet of BHUMAA is held at Varanasi. Besides, this national meet, several regional chapters are active and organize regular meets at their region.
To share day-to-day reviews and opinions, alumni of the Facutly are very active in social network groups, including [email protected].
With a view to encourage the budding managers, and also to create a feeling of care, BHUMAA instituted BHUMAA Merit Scholarship Awards in year 2004 for best student management Programs of the Faculty. The awards carry Certificate and a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/. Now the number of scholarships gets multiplied and during Alumni Meet 2008, a total of Rs. 70000/- were awarded to meritorious students.
From 2005 onward, the FMS, BHU & BHUMAA have also instituted Distinguished Alumnus Award to be awarded to those alumni for their remarkable achievements in their respective field.