Special Assistance Program (DRS Level II) of UGC

Thrust Area : Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship

UTTHAN 2012 - Social Business Plan Competition & National Workshop on Social Business Lab @ B-Schools (January 6 & 7, 2012) organized jointly with ICICI Foundation

UTTHAN 2011 - Social Business Plan Competiton.

Special Lecture Series on Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship - An initiative under DRS Level II Special Assistance Program of UGC - July 18 - 19, 2016
Please click here for Proceedings of the National Workshop on Role of Higher Education in the Development of Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship in India (18-19 March 2016)

After completion of the 5-year period of Phase 1 of the SAP in the Department, the achievements and activities were reviewed by an Expert Committee. The Committee after a very careful and critical in-depth examination of the academic achievements made by the department during the period as well as discussing various aspects of implmentation of the program with the department representatvies, submitted its recommendations to the UGC. On the basis of the recommendations of the Review Committee, the University Grants Commission has approved the upgradation of the program to DRS Phase II for a duration of 5 years.

The Special Assistance Program of DRS Level 1 was sanctioned to the Faculty by the University Grants Commission in the year 2008. The thrust area of the programme was Social Entrepreneurship in India. Under this programme several innovative initiatives had been taken up to spread awareness on Social Entrepreneurship among the younger generations and budding managers. The centre had also taken up research, course designing and curriculum development projects in the area of Social Entrepreneurship.

Important Activities under SAP - DRS Level I :